Corporate Law

Base Knowledge

Fundamentals of Law

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical methodology: initial theoretical exposition (legal/doctrinal/jurisprudential) of each theme; complementary practical framework, with active participation of students.

Presentation of jurisprudential cases/practical hypotheses, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge taught.

Learning Results

Law is a science aimed at resolving conflicts between human beings. With the discipline of Corporate Law, the aim is, therefore, and mainly, to give students the competence to – through the science of Law – resolve disputes that occurred in the context of the subjects taught in classes.

For this, the student must master the fundamental concepts inherent to legal matters that relate to business reality, as well as the respective legal regime and know the main doctrinal and jurisprudential issues that arise in an economic and social area in permanent transformation.

Therefore, the student should rigorously distinguish the different legal institutes that, as a whole, make up this branch of law, easily identifying the legislation applicable to each specific situation in a context of wide normative dispersion.


INTRODUCTION: 1. Notion. 2. Delimitation of the object and scope. I. ACTS OF TRADE: 1. Objective and subjective acts of commerce. 2. Article 2 of the Commercial Code. II. MERCHANTS: 1. Sole trader. 2. Article 13/1 of the Commercial Code. 3. Incompatibilities and impediments; Merchant Access Requirements. 4. Special Obligations of Merchants. 5. Liability for the spouses’ assets for commercial debts. III. OF THE COMPANIES: 1. The EC and its elements: tangible; intangible. 2. Rights and legal relations on the EC: The Trespasse regime. The Assignment of Exploration. IV. COMMERCIAL COMPANIES. V. DEFENSE OF COMPETITION. 1. Law 19/2012. 2. Mergers & Acquisitions

Curricular Unit Teachers




A) Mandatory Bibliography:

Curricular Unit Manual (mandatory):

Miguel Pupo Correia, Commercial Law (Company Law), 14th edition, 2018.
Complementary Bibliography:

Abreu, Jorge Manuel Coutinho de,
Commercial Law Course, Vol. I, “Introduction, acts of commerce, merchants, companies, distinctive signs”, 7th edition, Coimbra, 2009.
Commercial Law Course, Vol. II, “of societies”, Coimbra, 3rd edition 2010.
Cordeiro, António Menezes,
Commercial Law Manual, 2009, reprint of the 2nd edition of 2007.
Company Law Handbook, I Volume “On Companies in General”, 2nd edition, Lisbon, 2007.
B) Legislation to be used

Civil Code.
Commercial Code
Commercial Companies Code and other commercial legislation.