Crop Protection in Organic Farming

Base Knowledge

Biology, Plant Protection and Agriculture.

Teaching Methodologies

The teachinglearning process is based on:
Class presentation and discussion of theoretical concepts, by professors and students? Search of articles / scientific publications within the CU and subsequent presentation by students of technical itineraries for crop protection (case study) in Organic Farming.
Assessment: Learning outcomes will be assessed through:
1) A draft itinerary for technical protection of a culture in Organic Farming and their writing and oral presentation with discussion (50%)?
2) Written test (50%).
In each academic year, a student who does not obtain approval during teaching (ie, frequency) have access to the final exam in regular season and special season and eventual to a special exam on dates specified by the Academic Calendar and Schedule examinations. The examination will consist of a written test in which will be assessed all contents learned at the CU.

Learning Results

The students of this master should recognize the importance of good agricultural practices used in the preservation of ecosystems and their importance to the sustainability of agriculture. These students will also learn to know how to assess the impacts of crop protection on the environment and on public health and will be able to develop technical solutions to solve the problems according to the rules of organic agriculture. It will be possible a better protection of cultures, biodiversity, landscape and natural resources and the production of higher quality goods with market recognition. These CU students will acquire the necessary knowledge to achieve the following objectives:
1. To understand the concepts and laws related to crop protection in organic farming?
2. To recognize the main crop enemies of greatest national importance?
3. To know the protection methodologies available in Organic Farming.


1. Introduction. Definitions and concepts. The Directive on the Sustainable use of Pesticides and legislation on pesticide use and crop protection in Organic Farming.
2. Crop protection in Vine, Olive and Cereals. Main crop enemies. Importance and losses. Risk estimation. Methodologies for preventing and fighting in Organic Farming.
3. Priority Practices and complementary practices for the control of pests of crops in organic farming. Green infrastructure. Biopesticides. Protection against disease. Solarization and biofumigation. Use of auxiliary arthropods.
4. Technical Itineraries for crop protection in Organic Farming. Case studies.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Teste escrito - 50.0%
  • - Preparação de um itinerário técnico para a proteção uma cultura em AB e apresentação oral - 50.0%
  • - Teste de exame - 100.0%




Frescata, C. Protecção contra pragas sem luta química. Colecção Euroagro. Publicações EuropaAmérica. 2004.

DGADR. Manuais de Produção Integrada de Culturas Hortícolas.

Mendes, F. & Cavaco, M. Manual de Protecção Fitossanitária para Protecção Integrada e Agricultura Biológica do Olival. DGADR. Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e Pescas. Lisboa. 2009.

Félix, A. P. & Cavaco, M. Manual de Protecção Fitossanitária para protecção Integrada e Agricultura Biológica da Vinha. DGADR. Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas. Lisboa. 2009.

Ferreira, J. C. (Coord.). As Bases da Agricultura Biológica Tomo I – Produção Vegetal. EDIBIO. Lisboa. 2012.

Aguiar, A.? Godinho, M. do C. & Costa, C. A. Produção Integrada. Colecção Agricultura e Ambiente. Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação. Porto. 2005.

Franco, J. C.? Ramos, A. P. & Moreira, I. (Eds.). Infraestruturas ecológicas e protecção biológica: caso dos citrinos. ISA Press. Lisboa. 2006.