Cultural Tourism and Museology

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Because of the theoretical-practical nature of this course unit, the syllabus will be followed by the participation of the students in the teaching-learning process. This may be achieved through theme debates,  organisation of work based on written information and study visits to heritage sites.
Evaluation may be: 1) Periodic evaluation with the following parameters:
1) Works of a different kind (report/ review)  (40%); – Written test (60%).
2) Evaluation by Examination – Written Exam (100%).

Learning Results

1. Understand heritage as a tourism resource
2. Understand the relevance of cultural tourism in present-day society
3. Understand the relationship between heritage resources and tourism
4. Evaluate the importance of museums within the tourism offer
5. Identify strategies for cultural and tourism prmotion of local heritage.


1. Cultural tourism in present-day society
1.1. Cultural tourism as a social phenomenon
1.2. Heritage and cultural tourism 1.3. Reference products within cultural tourism
2. Museums and tourism
2.1. Museums, memory and cultural identity
2.2. Museums and the boosting of cultural heritage
2.3. Museums, local communities, tourism and development
3. Interaction between heritage resources and tourism
4. Strategies for cultural and tourism promotion of local heritage

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Frequency - 60.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Cabral, C. B. (2011). Património Cultural Imaterial. Edições 70.
Carvalho, A. (2011). Os Museus e o Património Cultural Imaterial. Estratégias para o desenvolvimento de boas práticas. Edições Colibri/CIDEHUS
Campos, R. (2021). Museums, Tourism and Interpretation of the Heritage. In Rosa dos Ventos- Turismo e Hospitalidade, v. 13, nº3, pp. 894-900.
Figueira, V. & Dias, R. ( 2011). A Responsabilidade Social no Turismo. Escolar Editora.
Navarro, M. S. & Riera, R. G. (2012). Museo y Comunidad. Un Museo para todos los públicos. Trea.
Oliveira, C., Pinto, J. F & Ferreira, L. (orgs). (2011). Turismo, Património e Inovação. Edições Afrontamento.
Puche, S.M., Molina, N.L. Gil, T.M. (eds.) (2016). Identidad, ciudadanía y patrimonio. Trea.
Santos , M. G. M. P. (Org.) (2010). Turismo Cultural, Territórios e Identidades.Edições Afrontamento.
Usillos, A.G. (2012). Manual practico de museos. Trea.