Curriculum Design

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methodology will be expository, active and interrogative. It will be based on the exposition of models, theoretical concepts, as well as the analysis and discussion of scientific texts and legislation, cooperative work (e.g. cooperative learning strategy – jigsaw) and reflection.
Students can opt for continuous assessment or assessment by examination.
Continuous assessment is based on the continuous involvement and quality of the students’ participation in group activities in the completion of group work (50%) and a written test (50%).
Assessment by examination consists of a written test on all the themes worked on (100%).

Learning Results

– Know and understand conceptions and foundations of the curriculum;
– Recognize the curriculum management as a decision-making process;
– Acquire basic skills for the evaluation and selection of curricular models adapted to different training contexts;
– Analyze the different pedagogical variables that contribute to the construction of Educational Curriculum Projects;
– Knowing models of curriculum development and planning practices associated;
– Know and understand guidelines and curriculum guidelines in force in the Portuguese education system


1.1. Concept of curriculum
1.2. Conceptual framework to support curriculum development;
2.1. Curriculum Management: levels and fields of decision; levels of integration
2.2. Models of curriculum organization
3.1. Diversification and adequacy: content, modes of assessment, curricular articulation and ways of organizing the educational environment
3.2. Organizational measures to support curricular and pedagogical management
3.3. Collaboration and professional development
3.4. Current normative documents

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%




Fontoura, M. (2006). Do Projeto Educativo de Escola aos Projetos curriculares: fundamentos, processos e procedimentos. Porto Editora
Gaspar, M.I., & Roldão, M.C. (2007). Elementos do desenvolvimento curricular. Universidade Aberta
Pacheco, J. (2005). Escritos curriculares. Editora Cortez
Robalo, F. (2004). Do projeto curricular de escola ao Projeto curricular de turma. Texto Editores
Roldão, C. (2007). Colaborar é preciso: Questões de qualidade e eficácia no trabalho dos professores. Noesis (71). Ministério da Educação – DGIDC.
Roldão, M.C. (2009). Estratégias de ensino: o saber e o agir do Professor. Fundação Manuel Leão.
Roldão, M.C., & Almeida S. (2018). Gestão Curricular para a autonomia das escolas e professores. Direção Geral da Educação
Silva, T. T. (2010). Teorias do currículo. Uma introdução crítica. Editora Autêntica.
Syomwene, A. (2020). Curriculum theory. Characteristics and funcions. European Journal of Education Studies, 7 (1), 326-337