Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The evaluation will respect the established in the Internal Regulation of the Escola Superior de Educação, reason why the students will be able to choose one of the following modalities: evaluation of frequency or evaluation by exam.
The final exam takes place at the end of the semester, covering all the syllabus taught and summarized. It is presented in the form of a written test (without consultation).
The frequency assessment will be based on the permanent involvement and quality of participation of the trainees in individual and / or group activities in carrying out work (40%) and in an assessment test (60%).
Considering the theoretical and practical character of this course, the theoretical exposition, group work and individual work will be used, as well as classes managed by the students, valuing their participation and involvement in the construction of their learning.
Learning Results
At the end of the UC, the student is expected to:
1- Know the main components of a curriculum theory approach;
2- Apply, in practice, the contributions of curricular theories adapted to different training contexts;
3- Adopt an active and interventionist posture in the construction of a truly inclusive school;
4- Acquire strategies for the definition and planning of the teaching/learning process, with a view to meeting the needs of all students;
5- Mobilize knowledge, experiences, values and other components of the student’s contexts and paths for the educational process in order to favor the success of learning;
6- Contribute to an efficient curricular organization and in accordance with the individual conditions of each student.
1. Curriculum Theory
1.1 Flexible curriculum management
1.2 The curriculum and teaching processes appropriate to the individual characteristics and conditions of each student
2. Inclusive school and curriculum management
2.1. Guiding principles of Decree-Law no. 54/2018, of 6 July
2.2. Framework of the decree in the Portuguese educational system and articulation between the different legislative emanations
2.3. Intervention based on the educational responses needed by each student
2.4. Curriculum management strategies for an inclusive school
2.3. Universal Design for Learning
2.4. Multilevel approach to curriculum access
2.5. Measures to support learning and inclusion/Curriculum management measures
3. From the Educational Project of a school / grouping in general to curriculum diversification in particular
3.1. The School / Grouping Educational Project
3.2. The class project (s)
3.3. The individual “project” of each student
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
- - Frequency - 60.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
ALVES, J. M. & ROLDÃO, M. C. (2018). Articulação Curricular. O que é? Como se faz? Dos conceitos às práticas possíveis. Vila Nova de Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão.
HEACOX, D. (2006). Diferenciação curricular na Sala de Aula: como efetuar alterações curriculares para todos os alunos. Porto: Porto Editora
FONTOURA, M. (2006). Do Projecto Educativo de Escola aos Projectos curriculares: fundamentos processos e procedimentos. Porto: Porto Editora
DGIDC (2018). Para uma Educação Inclusiva: Manual de Apoio à Prática. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação
JAÉN, M.D.M., & RAMALHO, A. P. (2015). “Análisis de un estudio comparativo sobre el concepto, las prácticas y la organización escolar en el desarrollo de la inclusión en el Profesorado de España y Portugal.” E HUMANIDADES, 8, 243-245.
GASPAR, M. I. e ROLDÃO, M. C. (2007). Elementos do desenvolvimento curricular. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
GOODSON, I. (2001). O Currículo em mudança. Estudos na construção social do currículo. Porto: Porto Editora.