Decision Models and Processes

Base Knowledge

Adequate knowledge of some fundamentals of quantitative methods will benefit the understanding and consolidation of some of the contents of this course unit.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching component of this Curricular Unit, CU, comprises theoretical-practical classes (i.e. presentation of concepts and corresponding practical illustration).

These classes will have an expository component of the concepts and fundamentals involved in each of the topics discussed and a practical component aimed at the appreciation and analysis of illustrative examples and case studies, which may, in some cases, involve the use of supports and tools computational.

Learning Results

Organizations face increasingly demanding challenges given their position in a global, competitive, and demanding market.
The ability to decide and control resources is imperative to achieve goals and maintain a competitive position.

Thus, the main objectives of this course focus on the:
• O1-  Importance of quantitative analysis in decision-making problems;
• O2- creation of conceptual support that allows the identification and treatment of a diverse set of decision problems;
• O3- implementation of methods, techniques, and procedures to support the resolution of decision problems;

It is thus intended that this CU allows students to create a set of skills namely:

C1 – capacity to identify and characterize different decision problems;

C2 – apply different processes, procedures, and decision-making techniques.


Chapter 1 – Introductory Concepts
1.1 Decision and Process Models – Concepts, description, and framework;
1.2 Introduction to Problems and Decision Processes – Motivation and Contextualization;
1.3 Decision Making – Decision Maker, Processes and Models – General Concepts and Illustrations;

Chapter 2 – Processes and Decision on Activities
2.1 Management of processes and activities
2.2 Decision and information – occurrences and event analysis
2.3 Management and scheduling of activities (eg: CPM and PERT)
2.4 Assignment of Activities: assignment .versus tasks. resources – assessment of criteria.

Chapter 3 – Decision in Services
3.1 Management of Spaces in Services (distance and convenience criteria)
3.2 Principles of Queue Management
3.3 Application Cases.

Chapter 4 – Decision Analysis and Game Theory Principles
4.1 Stages of the Decision Process – proposals, techniques, and methods;
4.2 Decision in a scenario of certainty, risk, and uncertainty;
4.3 Subjectivity of the decision-maker: utility criteria;
4.4 Rational Competitors and Introduction to the Game Theory 
4.5 Application examples.

Chapter 5 – Case studies and applications
Practical cases of the secretariat for direction and administration

Curricular Unit Teachers




Essential Bibliography

[1] A.C.S. Amaro,  Modelos de Decisão e Otimização- Elementos de Apoio Pedagógico, ISCAC, ano letivo 2020/21.
[2] Carvalho, J.C. et al. – Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento, Edições Sílabo, 2ª Ed., 2017, ISBN: 978-972-618-894-0.
[3] F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman, Introdução à Pesquisa Operacional, McGraw Hill, 8th Ed. São Paulo, 2006 (Tradução DE ” Introduction to operations research”), ISBN: 85-868046-81.

Complementary Bibliography

[1] R.O.B. Andrade e Nério Amboni, Estratégias de Gestão: processos e funções do administrador, Elsevier Editores Ltda, 2010, ISBN: 978-85-352-3700-9.
[2] Stevensen W. J., Operations Management, McGraw Hill, 8th Ed, 2005, ISBN: 0-07-286905-4.
[3] G.E. Monahan, Management Decision Making, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000.