Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The syllabus will be developed through the use of: i) theoretical-practical sessions, with an initial expository component, analysis of deontological codes and international references and discussion of group work on the topics of the syllabus; ii) practical sessions, around situations that illustrate the concepts acquired and where reflection on the way of acting is requested. Each student must create his own documentation file, for consultation in class and during assessment.
Continuous evaluation:
Written test at the end of the semester: 50% of the grade (NB: if the assessment has to be carried out at a distance, this assessment element will also include an individual oral test);
Group work: 40% of the grade;
Classroom assignments: 10% of the grade
By exam:
a written exam (80%);
20%: an individual work to be defined with the teacher at the beginning of the semester and delivered (inforestudante) the day before the exam. Defence of the paper on the day of the exam, at a time to be determined. Valid for all exam seasons.
Learning Results
1 – To exercise professional practice respecting the individual and collective values of the profession and the organization, acting in accordance with the professional canons:
a) Know how to act according to the deontological codes of the profession;
b) Know how to interpret an organization’s ethical code as practical guidelines for action.
2 – Act according to the interests of different stakeholders and sectors of society in order to promote socially responsible performance of the organization:
a) Design and implement communication actions for the various audiences, integrating the principles of social responsibility;
b) Know how to highlight the aspects of socially responsible conduct in organizational discourse.
I – Introduction to the study of CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
II – Business and Human Rights
III – Introduction to the study of Ethics applied to the professions of Organizational Communication
IV. Main codes on use in Portugal for the professions of Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations and Human Resources / Internal Communication
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 80.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 20.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
- - Frequency - 50.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
Codes foreseen in the syllabus.
Carroll, A. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility: the centerpiece of competing and complementary frameworks. Organizational Dynamics, 44, 87-96.
Rasche, A, Morsing M. & Moon, J.(2017). Corporate Social Responsibility – Strategy, Communication, Governance. Cambridge Univ. Press
Rego A. et al.(2007), “Gestão ética e socialmente responsável: teoria e prática. Ed. RH.
Rego A., et al.(2013), Liderança para a sustentabilidade. Conjuntura Atual.
Rocha, A.S.(2010), Ética, deontologia e responsabilidade social.Vida Económica.
Santos M.J.N.,(2006) Responsabilidade social nas PME: casos em Portugal. Ed. RH.
Stravidou, M.& Vangchuay,S.(2017). Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility – A Human-Centred Approach to Business Ethics in the 21st century. ATDF Journal, v. 9, Issue 1, pp.70-86