Design III

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

6.1 The methodological choices will focus on three key educational components: oral presentation oriented to the estimated contents; study and presentation of works/ productions and their authors; work development under the teacher guindance.
6.2Given the specificity of this curricular unit, the student must ensure the minimum presence in 40 hours of contact (classes), assisting him, in this condition, the right to take an exam, if he has not obtained approval by continuous evaluation.
Evaluation components and weights
Evaluation continues:
The papers to be carried out will be a maximum of 5 and the evaluation will comply with criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or other elements presented, according to the following components and weights in the overall evaluation:
– Theoretical Component (group work) – 25%;
– Theoretical-Practical Component (individual projects)
– 25%; – Practical Component (individual projects) – 50%.
Theoretical – 35%; Practical – 65%

Learning Results

3.1 To understand concepts and principles applied to the design of spaces/environments in multicontext.
3.2 To interpret the space as an object of communication in the framework of objective, subjective, and interdisciplinary relationships.
3.3 To recognize the compositional elements importance of space/environment in definition of its identity.
3.4 To conceive spaces/environments projects that meet their different components.


4.1 Design of spaces/environments
4.1.1 Spaces and environments concepts
4.1.2 General principles of spaces and environments design
4.1.3 Design and (multi)context
4.4.2 Space and communication
4.2.1 Formal and functional relationships
4.2.2 Intangibility and symbolism
4.2.3 Interdisciplinary relationships
4.3 Design and space identity
4.3.1 Structure and form
4.3.2 Natural and artificial light
4.3.3 Composition and (dis)harmony
4.4 Projectual practices
4.4.1 Program and proposal
4.4.2 Tender documents
4.4.3 Project communication

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Practical component - 65.0%
  • - Theoretical component - 35.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Theoretical and practical component - 25.0%
  • - Theoretical component - 25.0%
  • - Practical component - 50.0%




Brown, R. & Farrelly, L. (2014). Materiais no design de interiores. Gustavo Gili.
Cassau, B. (2021). Retail Design: Espaços onde as marcas atraem e envolvem os consumidores. Kindle Edition.
Ferrara, L. (2002). Design em espaços. Edições Rosari.
Grimley, C. & Love, M. (2012). Color, espacio y estilo. Detalles para diseñadores de interiores. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Gurgel, M. (2020). Projetando espaços: design de interiores. Kindle Edition.
Heskett, J. (2005). El diseño en la vida cotidiana. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Higgins, I., Moxon, S., Brown, R. & Malcolm, I. (2015). Planejar espaços para o design de interiores. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Lidwell at al (2011). Princípios universales de diseño. Blume.
Neufert, E. (2013). A arte de projetar em arquitetura, 18.ª edição. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Panero, J. & Zelnik, M. (2002). Dimensionamento humano para espaços interiores. Gustavo Gili.
Phillips, P. (2009). Briefing: a gestão do projeto de design. Editora Blucher.