Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Training for social and educative intervention requires a methodology based on participation and critical thinking. Therefore, the contribution of students in the learning process is essential as they are responsible for the production, management and communication of knowledge. This unity is linked to other disciplines and activities developed by students or organizations. The contents will be developed through theoretical and practical classes. The presence in classes and activities is essential in this methodology. The evaluation will respect the rules of ESEC, performing in one of two ways: by frequency evaluation or by exam. Final test: written test. Frequency assessment: production, presentation and defense in class of an intervention project (50% of the final mark) and its presentation as a final descriptive paper (50% of the final mark); group work students’ provision is differentiable.
Learning Results
Knowing and understanding: the principles that underlie the community intervention; social problems and policies that support the processes of social arts, principles of project methodology, local resources as a way of boosting the social, cultural, and educational projects.
To produce studies from an ethnographic perspective and identify needs, potential and endogenous resources (human, natural, heritage).
Conceive, organize, manage, implement, and evaluate projects according to the particular aspects in each context of social intervention through theater.
To develop and adapt educational intervention through integrated strategies and participation, according to the contexts and publics.
Evaluate the strategies and the effects of community intervention.
Demonstrate ability to adapt to the professional contexts (initiative, assertiveness, self, creativity).
1. Community intervention projects (PIC’s); Assumptions, principles, fundamentals, limits, and value of the
PIC’s; Organizations, and PIC’s, and social change through Theatre
2. The project step by step; Proposing structures; The method of Lasswell
3. Planning and Review; The 4 P’s of Planning
4. Life Cycle of a Project
4.1. Diagnosis, Analysis, and problem formulation; Resources Analysis; SWOT Analysis; Diagnostic matrix
4.2. Planning; General and specific objectives; Plan activities; Matrix problems, needs, activities and results; Logical Framework
4.3. Evaluation; Difficulties and definition of an evaluation model; Incidence levels, Time, Responsibilities, Criteria, Indicators
5. Finalization and reporting of results; Strategies drafting, presentation and discussion / dissemination of written documents
6. Practices of social change through the PIC’s Theatre and Drama
7. Laboratory work: project design
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
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