Diagnostic Methods, Techniques and Applications IV

Teaching Methodologies

This module  will  be delivered as a series  of three-four hour long workshops (as appropriate) which  will be based on pre-lecture material  (texts, screen-casts and recorded lectures) made available  to the students
ahead of the workshop. Each workshop will  be thematic and deal with one particular aspect and the ethos of each workshop will  be on the development of analytical skills and knowledge. The module  is assessed completely by continuous assessment.

Learning Results

Explain  in detail the principle of various forms  of bright field and fluorescent microscopy
Compare and contrast different forms  for imaging techniques
Design an imaging-based approach for the investigation of a specific biomarker
Explain  the essential quality control measures  as applied  to imaging analysis
Analyse  imaging data using  appropriate methodologies
Prepare and analyse samples  for various forms  of microscopy


The module  will  be dynamic and respond to the continuing developments in imaging technology in order to ensure that the content is aligned  with the cutting edge in the field. Typical  aspects  which  form the
foundation of the module  will  include:
– Principles of microscopy
– Principles of imaging methods for analysis of cell and tissue  constituents (including immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, in situ hybridisation, confocal microscopy, live cell imaging,
raman microspectroscopy)
– Optimisation of immunostaining techniques
– Specimen  dissection and preparation for analysis
– Laser capture  microdissection
– Construction of a reporter protein system  for cellular analysis
– Image capture  systems and image analysis
– Indicative practical components will  include: histochemical analysis of cell phenotype, immunocytochemical staining, immunofluorescence, quality control of microscopy




Hannon-Fletcher M. and Maxwell P., 2009, Advanced Techniques in Cellular  Pathology, Wiley-Blackwell. Dabbs D.J., 2017, Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry: Theranostic and Genomic  Applications, Saunders.
Murphy,  D.B., 2012, Fundamentals of Light  microscopy & Electronic Imaging,  Wiley-Blackwell
Watkins,  S. and St. Croix, C., 2013, Current  Protocols Select: Methods  and Applications in Microscopy & Imaging,  Wiley
Yuste, R., 2010, Imaging,  A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring  Harbour  Laboratory Press