Didactics and Communication for Sustainability

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of the guiding principles of the Environmental Education Framework for Sustainability.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching-learning process is based on a combination of activities that use different types of methods appropriate to each type of content:

-Theoretical-practical classes, attended by students, aimed at revising concepts;

-Seminar to promote the debate of the referred concepts and perspectives;

-Critical analysis of cases related to the subjects covered in class;

-Development of project work under supervision;

-Oral presentation and discussion of work carried out individually and/or in groups.

Learning Results

As a result of the teaching-learning process the student:

1.Develops critical analysis and synthesis skills on topics related to sustainable development;

2. Develops a reflective, enlightened and pragmatic attitude towards relevant institutions, texts and realities within the scope of scientific culture;

3. Improves oral and written communication skills in an academic and professional context;

4. Acquires the ability to produce communication materials, content and events in the context of education for sustainability;

5. Understands the use of social networks as an educational and communication tool in the context of sustainable development and prepares educational content for use in social networks.


1. Clarification of the concepts of “environment”, “sustainable development” and “conservation”;

– Evolution and paradigm shifts;

– Textual typologies relevant to the study area:

– Scientific article and scientific dissemination texts: potential and limitations.

2. Modern science and scientific culture:

– Education for sustainability in formal and non-formal education systems – different agents;

– Intervention instruments: Agenda 2030, Earth Charter and others;

– Examples of good practice in the Portuguese case.

3. Structuring of reports; scientific article and oral presentations at congresses.

4. Preparation of education projects for sustainability for different audiences in different mediation channels.

5. The use of social networks as an educational tool. Preparation of materials for social networks related to sustainable development.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Basic bibliography:

Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente. Educação Ambiental para a Sustentabilidade. https://apambiente.pt/apa/educacao-ambiental

Educação para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Disponível em https://ods.imvf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Recursos-ods-objetivos-aprendizagem.pdf

Huckle, J. & Wals, A. (2015). The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: business as usual in the end. Environmental Education Research, 21, 3, 491-505.

Jickling, B. & Wals, A. (2012). Debating Education for Sustainable Development 20 Years after Rio. A conversation between Bob Jickling and Arjen Wals. ESD in Higher Education, the Professions and at Home. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 6 (1), 49-57

Little, A. & Green, A. (2009). Successful globalization, education and sustainable development. International Journal of Educational Development, 29, 166-174.

O’Flaherty, J. & Liddy, M. (2017). The impact of development education and education for sustainable development interventions: a synthesis of the research. Environmental Education Research, 2018 24, 07, 1031–1049.

UNESCO (2016). Asia-Pacific Education Research Institutes Network (ERI-NET) ERI-Net’s Framework on transversal Competencies. In Crae, E.; Luo, R. Assessment of Transversal Competencies: Policy and Practice in the Asia-Pacific Region. UNESCO and UNESCO Bangkok Office, pp.11.

Complementary bibliography:

Several case studies (articles or projects) related to communication for sustainability, which the teacher will distribute in each academic semester, taking into account the most recent and interesting cases that cut across the various sectors of society.