Digital Communication

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The programmatic contents will be developed through a combination of expository sessions with practical sessions and the resolution of exercises or analysis and discussion of cases.



– Individual work (50%)

– Group work (50%)



– Written test (50%)

– Individual work (50%)

Learning Results

The curricular unit aims to develop the following skills

– Provide knowledge of how the changing context, the attitude and behaviour of stakeholders give rise to a new approach to communication in the digital specificity of organizations;

– Know how to generate and manage specific digital communication programmes appropriate to the internal and external context of organizations of this nature.


1. Impact of digital on communicative action

a) Stakeholders

b) The organizations

2. Digital communication in social sector organisations

a) Strategies and tactics for stakeholders:

a.1.) Platforms and content for internal audiences

a.2.) Platforms and contents for external audiences

b) Imperative of convergence of online and offline

Grading Methods

Continuous Evaluation
  • - Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Individual Work - 50.0%
Final Exam
  • - Written Test - 50.0%
  • - Individual Work - 50.0%




Cerqueira, C. & Lamy, S. (2017). Vozes Plurais: a Comunicação das Organizações da Sociedade Civil. Documenta.

Eiró-Gomes, M. (2017). Comunicação E Organizações da Sociedade Civil. Escola Superior de Comunicação Social/Plataforma Portuguesa das Organizações Não Governamentais para o Desenvolvimento


Kunsch, M. M. (2007). Comunicação Organizacional na era digital: contextos, percursos e possibilidades. Signo y Pensamiento 51 – Volumen XXVI, 39–51.

Marques, V. (2020). Redes Sociais 360. Como Comunicar Online. Conjuntura Atual Editora.