Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge is not required.
Teaching Methodologies
Pedagogical Methods: The expository method is used in conjunction with the presentation of practical cases.
Theoretical-practical exercises are solved in groups. Students are invited to actively participate in the class.
In practical classes, students develop small group projects.
These works are evaluated and contribute to the practical component of the evaluation.
Learning Results
It is intended that students acquire skills that allow them to understand the elements that constitute the computer at the scale of digital electronic circuits, mastering the basic concepts related to combinational and sequential circuits, as well as analysis and synthesis techniques. Skills: Students must acquire the following generic skills: – Master basic concepts such as BooIe aIgebra, Karnaugh maps, binary numbering system and binary codes; – Know basic physical components, such as Iogical gates, dedicated combinational circuits and FIip-FIops; – Design low-complexity combinational / sequential circuits, using formal analysis/synthesis techniques; – Implement combinational / sequential circuits of low compIexity; – Elaborate documentation related to the work developed and present them in a clear and objective way; – Develop work autonomously.
Basic Concepts: BooIe’s AIgebra, Truth Tables, Karnaugh Maps, Logic Gates and Families, Introduction to Binary Numerical Codes
Combinational circuits: Introduction to combinational circuits, MuItipIexators, Decoders/DemuItipIexators, Comparators, Artithmetic circuits, Analysis/synthesis of combinational circuits
Sequential Circuits: Introduction to Sequential Circuits, Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits, Item Memory Cells, General Sequential Circuits Model, Sequential Circuit Analysis, Synthesis of Sequential Circuits, Self-correction.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Sistemas digitais: princípios e aplicações, 7ª Edição, LTC Editora, 2000.
ISBN: 85-216-1179-X
John F. Wakerly, Digital Design Principles and Practices, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN: 0-13-082599-9
Morgado Dias, Sistemas Digitais – Princípios e Prática, FCA – Editora de Informática, Lda., 2010. ISBN:978-972-722-650-4
L. Cuesta, A. Gil Padilla, F Remiro, Electrónica digital, McGraw-Hill, 1994. ISBN:972-9241-64-3
E. J. McCluskey, Logic Design Principles, Prentice Hall, 1986. ISBN: 0-13-539768-5
A. Amaral, Eletrónica Digital: Fundamentos e Projeto, Edições Silabo, 2019, ISBN 978-972-618-992-3
A. Amaral, Sistemas Digitais: Princípios, Análise e Projectos, Edições Sílabo, 2014, ISBN 978-972-818-767-7
Elements to support theoretical classes