Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
The first part of the class is dedicated to the presentation of the main ideas and thoughts from the program unit but the students are challenge to engage in the study of the authors proposals in all classes.
The evaluation includes:
I. One written test
II. Practical work and practice-based learning to be presented in class as well as a final paper pre-schedule.
Learning Results
a) To understand and problematize the importance of autonomy and professional responsibility as concepts/norms for journalists and journalism;
b) To analyse the different sectors of media activity, the renewed work-formulae and editorial concepts, plus the instrumental advantages that all-purpose platforms enable to reach in the media market and the high consumption rates of the cultural products on the Internet.
c) To study and understand the multiple dimensions of self-regulation and professional codes plus the challenges of regulatory norms for the media as a garantie to maintaing the credibility of the media industry and the Press.
I. Mechanisms and Forms of Profissional Regulation
Back to Basis: Journalism and the “Social Contract”
Media Professionals Profils in a Digital Age
Challenges and Dilemmas for the New Media Regulation
II. Media Regulation
Problems of Media Ownership
Techno-Economic Innovation
Media Law: Trends in national and international regulation
Challenges e Dilemmas of New Media Regulation
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - practical works - 50.0%
- - Frequency - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
DEUZE, Mark (2007), Media Work in a Digital Age, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Garcia, José Luís (org.) (2009), Estudos sobre os Jornalistas Portugueses. Metamorfoses e Encruzilhadas no Limiar do século XXI, Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais.
Graça, Sara Meireles (2007), Os Jornalistas Portugueses: dos Problemas da Inserção aos Novos Dilemas Profissionais, Minerva Coimbra.
Fidalgo, Joaquim (2009), O Lugar da Ética e da Auto-Regulação na Identidade Profissional dos Jornalistas, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
McKercher, Catherine e Vincent Mosco (2007), Knowledge Workers in the Information Society, Plymouth, Lexington Books.
Rebelo, José (org.) [2011], Perfil Sociológico do Jornalista Português, Lisboa, Gradiva/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, no prelo.
McManus John (1994), Market-Driven Journalism. Let the Citizen Beware, Thousand Oaks, Sage.
ZELIZER, Barbie (2004),Taking Journalism Seriously. News and the Academy, London, Sage.