Distribution and Retail Marketing

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical and practical, addressing the recent theoretical developments, set within the current business
Powerpoint slides, available to students in advance. Several articles on Logistics and Distribution, for reading
(TPC) and subsequent class discussion.
Use of videos on a given subject, demonstrating the reality of current business activity in the chair.

Learning Results

This course aims to provide students with thorough knowledge of the variable distribution within the company
marketing strategy.
Understanding economic and business function of commercial distribution in an organization.
Understand the different distribution channels.
To characterize the possible forms of trade integration.
Understanding the impact of the location of point of sale.
Analyze the relationships of power and conflict in distribution channel.
Plan, implement and control the distribution policy of one organization.


The marketing and the variable distribution
. The economic function of business and commercial distribution
. Description and analysis of distribution channels, forms of channel integration (analysis of e-business)
. Distribution policies and relations of producers producers / distributors
. Power relations and conflict in the channel
. Commercial forms in size and dependency. . Franchising.
. The management of commercial enterprises
. The organization of the company’s commercial distribution.
. Tendencies

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliografia obrigatória/Main reference:
Bert Rosenbloom, Marketing Channels, A Management View (9th edition) Dryden/Harcourt 2009.
Bibliografia opcional/other:
Anne T. Coughlan, Erin Anderson, Louis W. Stern, Adel I. El-Ansary, Marketing Channels (8th edition) Prenhall.
Lou C. Pelton, David Strutton, James R. Lumpion Marketing Channels A Relationship Management Approach McGraw-Hill.