Durabilidade e Reabilitação de Estruturas de Betão

Base Knowledge

Strength of Materials; Construction Materials.

Teaching Methodologies


Theoretical-practical lessons of exposition, resolution of exercises, discussion (debate and sharing ideas), oral and written report presentation. During the presentation of theoretical and practical subjects students will be surveyed to maintain an active participation in the class. In class, the students will be encouraged to interpret scientific-technical practical problems. Sessions to clarify doubts either in resolution of exercises or in the interpretation of theoretical topics will be an important complement during the learning process of the students.

Learning Results


Learn the theory and the practice related with the durability and rehabilitation of concrete structures.

Generic skills:

Apply the theoretical knowledge; increase the understanding about the topics related with urban space; make judgments and decisions; increase the capacity to communicate and discuss technologic issues; develop the ability to criticize and self-learning.

Specific skills:

Acquire knowledge and understanding capacity in the field of durability and rehabilitation of concrete structures, learn the fundamental principles about the deterioration mechanisms and the protective measures to eliminate or reduce this risk; learn to evaluate the actual state of the structures; learn the several techniques of rehabilitation and structural strengthening; provide students with new skills to identify causes, make judgments, develop solutions and supervise the execution of tasks in the field of rehabilitation of concrete structures. 



1. Concepts and principles about concrete degradation

Basic concepts about the durability of structures.

Causes and deterioration mechanisms: physical, chemical and biological processes.

Steel reinforcement corrosion. Exposure conditions.

Protective measures of structures to reduce the risk of deterioration, standard rules related with the durability (EN1992-1-1, EN206 and EN1504).

2. Evaluation and rehabilitation

Evaluation the actual state of structures: identify anomalies/ pathologies and characterize the state of deterioration of structures.

Technical inspections and testing.

Principles and techniques of repairing and structural strengthening: sealing cracks; shotcrete; new layers of reinforced concrete; bonding steel plates; bonding polymeric composites.

3. Materials and innovative techniques of strengthening

Characterization of new structural materials used in rehabilitation.

Bond between the existing concrete and the new materials. Behavior of composites.

Examples of rehabilitation of concrete structures.

Curricular Unit Teachers





A. Costa (2011); Reabilitação e Reforço de Estruturas: Corrosão do aço e Deterioração do Betão, IST.

CEB Bulletin 162 (1983); Assessment of Concrete Structures and Design Procedures for Upgrading; CEB.

CEB Bulletin 183 (1992); Durable Concrete Structures; CEB; Thomas Telford. 

CEB Bulletin 243 (1998); Strategies for Testing and Assessment of Concrete Structures; CEB.

CEB – Bulletin 192 (1989); Diagnosis and assessment of Concrete Structures; CEB.

F. Branco (2011); Reforço e Reabilitação de Estruturas: Reforço por colagem de chapas de aço, IST.

Durabilidade e Reabilitação de Estruturas de Betão (s.d.) – Apontamentos de apoio disponibilizados pelos docentes.

fib Bulletin 142 (2001); Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures, fib.

FIP (1991); Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Structures; Thomas Telford.

H. Costa (s.d.); Betões Especiais – Propriedades e Comportamento; apontamentos disponibilizados pelos docentes.

J. Appleton (2013); Estruturas de Betão, Ed. ORION.

J. Appleton, A. Gomes (s.d.); Reforço de Estruturas de Betão Armado por Adição de Armaduras Exteriores. IST

J. Appleton, A. Gomes (s.d.); Reforço de Estruturas de Betão Armado por Encamisamento das Secções, IST.

J. Appleton, A. Costa (2011); Reforço e Reabilitação de Estruturas: Reforço de Estruturas de Betão, IST.

NP EN 1992-1-1 (2010); Eurocódigo 2: Projecto de estruturas de betão armado; IPQ.

NP EN 1504-2 (2006); Produtos e sistemas para a protecção e reparação de estruturas de betão – Definições, requisitos, controlo da qualidade e avaliação da conformidade. IPQ.

V. Cóias (2006); Inspecções e Ensaios na Reabilitação de Edifícios; IST Press.