Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The Seminar includes:
– Explanations of teachers to deepen scientific and educational areas of program content;
– Individual and group work of literature;
– Construction of instruments for observation / evaluation, activity plans and teaching materials;
– Discussion and resolution of problematic situations identified in practicum.
In supervision reflexive strategies will be used as pedagogical questions, observation and reflection, case studies, narratives and reflections group.
Continuing Evaluation:
Final Report (public) – 40.0%
Pedagogical Practice (Seminar, Internship, Internship Reflective Dossier)- 60.0%, with the following weights: S [1/5], E [3/5] and DRE [1/5]), with the following weights: S [1/5], E [3/5] and DRE [1/5])
Learning Results
At the end of master’s degree students should have the skills that are part of the specific profile of early childhood education teachers (DL No. 2412001, 30/10/2001). It is expected that, at the end of this CU, the student demonstrates that:
– Considers observation as an appropriate strategy to the knowledge of the educational context and of children, and uses evaluation as teaching regulator
– Identifies consistent features for intervention and educational research, and formulates hypotheses and projects of educational intervention that are appropriate to the context and to the children
– Acts as curricular constructor, planning his/her action in order to ensure the participation of children
– Defines specific strategies for each of the children towards a differentiated educational intervention
– Identifies himself/herself as a member of a broader educational community
– Recognizes training as an ongoing process and a dimension of professional development
The specific contents of the Seminar are organized into three thematic units:
1. Context of Early Childhood Education a. In depth analysis of the legal framerwork b. Identification and analysis of the main curricular and pedagogical guidelines i. Curricular framework within the Childhood Pedagogies ii. Projects Methodology
2. The Observation and evaluation for ECE: a. Assessment as regulatory mechanism in the process of construction and development practices and Project Practium b. Construction and use of instruments of observation / evaluation c. Analysis and interpretation of data
3. Construction of Curriculum and educational intervention a. Construction curricular under typified models ECE b. Organization of the educational environment c. Planning of educational intervention in light of the documents issued by the ME d. The planning and preparation of projects in early childhood education
Grading Methods
- - Final Report - Public Defense - 40.0%
- - Pedagogigal Practice - 60.0%
Bertram,T; Pascal,C (2009). Desenvolvendo a qualidade em parcerias. Lisboa: ME (DGIDC)
Coelho, A., Vale, V. (2017). Reflexões em torno do brincar em contextos de educação de infância. Revista Observatório, 3(6),337
Coelho, A (2007). Repensar o campo da educação de infância. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, nº44/3, 1-10
Cardona,MJ; Guimarães,CM (Org) (2013). Avaliação na educação de infância. Viseu: Psicosoma
Malavasi, L.; Zoccatelli, B. (2013). Documentar os projetos nos serviços educativos. Lisboa: APEI
ME (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a educação pré-escolar. ME(DGE).
Oliveira-Formosinho,J; Formosinho,J; Lino,D; Niza,S (2013). Modelos curriculares para a educação de infância. Porto: Porto Ed
Vasconcelos,T (Coord) (2012). Trabalho por projectos na educação de infância: Mapear aprendizagens/integrar metodologias. Lisboa: ME (DGIDC)
Pramling-Samuelsson,I; Fleer,M (Eds). (2010). Play and learning in early childhood settings: International perspectives. Milton Keynes: Springer