Educational Practice II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The Seminar includes:
– Explanations of teachers to deepen scientific and educational areas of program content;
– Individual and group work of literature;
– Construction of instruments for observation / evaluation, activity plans and teaching materials;
– Discussion and resolution of problematic situations identified in practicum.
In supervision reflexive strategies will be used as pedagogical questions, observation and reflection, case studies, narratives and reflections group.

Continuing Evaluation:
Pedagogical Practice (Seminar, Internship, Internship Reflective Dossier)- 60.0%, with the following weights: S [1/5], E [3/5] and DRE [1/5]), with the following weights: S [1/5], E [3/5] and DRE [1/5]) Final Report (public) – 40.0%

Learning Results

This course, being part of the PES component, includes an internship at nursery, and focuses predominantly on the development of skills professionals for working in this context.
At the end of master’s degree students:
-Knows the main pedagogical and curricular frameworks, drawing from them guidelines for concrete action in the context of nursery;
-Gives meaning to his/her action in nursery, acting as curriculum builder;
-Masters and mobilizes specific knowledge in planning and evaluation, taking into account rights for participation of young children and their families;
-Identifies consistent features for intervention and educational research in childcare, and formulates work hypotheses and educational intervention projects appropriate to the context and subjects;
-Defines specific strategies projects of educational intervention that are appropriate to the context and to the children for each of the children towards a differentiated educational intervention.


1. Background of education and care for young children:
a. Analysis of the legal normative framers;
b. Identification and analysis of the curricular and pedagogical guidelines to nursery – national and international perspectives;
2. The Curriculum and educational meaning making in the nursery:
a. Participatory pedagogy(ies) in nursery;
b. Curricula as “grammars” and contextualized curriculum construction: analysis of some national curriculums;
c. Educational meaning making of practices – processes of planning, evaluation and communication;
d. Planning and designing projects in the nursery.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Final report - 40.0%
  • - Pedagogical practice - 60.0%




Burnett, N. (dir) (2007). Bases Sólidas: Educação e cuidados na primeira infância (Relatório conciso). Paris: UNESCO.
Oliveira-Formosinho, J.; Araújo, S. B. (2013). Educação em creche: Participação e diversidade Porto : Porto Editora.
Oliveira-Formosinho, J.; Araújo, S. B. (2013). Educação em creche: Participação e diversidade Porto: Porto Editora.