Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The Seminar will occur weekly: deepening scientific and pedagogically the curricula contents; selecting, preparing themes and planning lessons to implement in class; constructing artefacts for: observation/evaluation, activities plans and didactic materials; reflecting about practice in classroom, teacher-in-training learning’s in varied pedagogic situations; discussing and solving problematic situations identified in the training. Orientation and attendance of the Training portfolio.The assessement will involve: Training (T) (weight 3) which includes the Seminar (SEM), Performance in the Training (PT) and Training portfolio (TP) and T= (SEM+8*PT+TP)/10. It will be also considerate the FR with weight 2. The final classification will be computed according to (3T + 2FR)/5
Learning Results
To master the knowledge of principles and methods which allow the future teachers to adopt an investigative attitude in their professional duties in specific context, having as a support the understanding and analysis of research;
To put in perspective and found the pedagogic action in integrating frame of principles and values of Basic Education curriculum;
To adapt the theoretical knowledge of the instruction standards in the curricular units or in the disciplines embraced by the respective domain of qualification for teaching;
To raise consistent tracks of intervention and educational research and to formulate work hypotheses and projects of research and educational intervention adequate to the context and to the subjects;
To put in perspective observation as the strategy adequate to the knowledge of the educational context and of the teachable subject and using evaluation as a pedagogic regulator;
To plan the educational intervention in the two different domains – MAT and NS -2º CEB
1. Observation and evaluation in educational environment
a. Construction and utilization of observation/evaluation artefacts
b. Data analysis and interpretation;
2. Curriculum Construction (Essential Learning for the 5th and 6th year of schooling; Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory Schooling, scientific, pedagogical and didactic knowledge), planning, educational intervention and critical reflection on practices.
Alarcão, I., & Tavares, J. (2010). Supervisão da Prática Pedagógica: Uma Perspectiva de Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem (2ª ed.). Almedina.
Cosme, A.; Lima, L.; Ferreira, D. e Ferreira, N. (2021). Metodologias, métodos e situações de aprendizagem: propostas e estratégias de ação. Porto Editora.
Cosme, A.;Ferreira, D.; Sousa, A.; Lima, L. e Barros, M.(2020). Avaliação das aprendizagens: propostas e estratégias de ação. Porto Editora.
Gardner, J. (2012). Assessment and Learning. Sage Publications LTD.
GTI (2002). Reflectir e investigar sobre a prática profissional. A.P.M.
GTI (Ed.) (2017). A prática dos professores: Planificação e discussão coletiva na sala de aula. APM.
Hernández,C.A. e Guárate, M.H. (2017). Modelos didácticos para situaciones y contextos de aprendizage. Narcea.
Lopes, J.P.; Silva, H.S. (2020). 50 técnicas de avaliação formativa. 2ª ed. Pactor.
NCTM (2014). Princípios para a Ação: assegurar a todos o sucesso em matemática. APM (tradução em 2017).