Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The evaluation method respects Escola Superior de Educação’s internal regulations. Students may choose one of two possible assessment modalities. Summative assessment implies a comprehensive written exam, worth 100% of the students’ grade. Consultation will not be allowed.
Interim assessment will be based on permanent commitment and quality of participation regarding individual/group activities and also on the results of a piece of work and/or test (this may be negotiated at the beginning of the course). The unit’s theoretical practical content implies lectures, individual and group work and student managed lessons. The students’ participation and commitment to managing their own learning process will be valued. The practical component will take place in class using a cumputer with internet connection.
Learning Results
– Mastering concepts and fundamentals of educational technology, media and comunication
– Favouring curricular integration producing teaching materials and means which are pedagogically adequate
– Developing critical skills, elaborating strategies to select and integrate media resources in classroom
1 – Educational technology
1.1 Evolution of the concept
1.2 Current perspective in Educational Technology
2 – Media and communication
2.1 Information and communication
2.2 Ways of communicating
2.3 Communication models
2.4 Communication processes
3 – Audio-Script-Visual means of communication
3.1 Didactical functions of communication means
3.2 Didactical exploitation of communication means
4 – The curricular use and integration of teaching means and materials
4.1 Conventional resources
4.2 – Press technologies
4.3 – Audiovisual technologies
4.4 – Digital technologies
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Elements of continuous assessment - 100.0%
CARDOSO,G.(2006).Os media na sociedade em rede”.Lx: Fundação Caloust Gulbenkian.
COUTINHO, C. G. F. P. (2005) ” Percursos da Investigação em Tecnologia Educativa em Portugal: uma abordagem temática e metodologia a publicações Cientificas” Braga: UM I. E. Psic.
FREIXO, M.J. V. (2006).”Teorias e Modelos de Comunicação.Epistemologia e Sociedade Lx: I. P.
MODERNO, A (1992). “A Comunicação audiovisual no processo didáctico: no ensino e na formação profissional”. Aveiro: Dep. de Didác.e T. E. da U. A.
MONGE CRESPO, Mª C.(2005).”Aprender y Desaprender com Nuevas Tecnologias. Propuesta didáctica.” Zaragoza: Edit. Mira
NADAL, M.; CELADA, P. e MARTIN, V. (1991). “Los médios audiovisuales al servicio do del centro educativo”. Madrid: Ed. Castalia.
PARASKEVA , J. M.; OLIVEIRA, L.R(2006) ” Curriculo e Tecnologia Educativa” Mangualde: Ed Pedagogo
SILVA, B. (1998). “Educação e Comunicação: Uma análise das implicações da utilização audiovisual em contexto pedagógico”. Braga: C.E.E.P, IEP. UM