Base Knowledge
Patophysiology of Peripheral Nervous System
Principles of Nerve Conduction Studies
Teaching Methodologies
Classes with slides, in a PowerPoint presentation, covering different theoretical-practical topics on the objectives of the curricular unit.
Practical classes to handle and perform Nervous Conduction Studies exams.
Resolution of support sheets for the practical component, in which students must answer questions about technical-practical issues and interpretation and resolution of real clinical cases.
Learning Results
The main objective of this curricular unit is to provide students with the tools and knowledge necessary to understand the functioning of the peripheral nervous system and the electroneuromyographic changes that occur in certain pathologies. Thus, students are expected to:
– Have the skills to perform an examination of nerve conduction studies, with knowledge of the anatomophysiology of the various nerves and muscles of the body;
– Acquire critical thinking to adapt the protocol and execution of the exam according to the electrophysiological findings during the execution of a study, as well as the ability to correlate the clinical history with the results obtained;
– Ability to analyze and report the results obtained, concluding the main pathophysiological hypothesis present in the exam and the probable diagnosis;
– General knowledge about the handling of equipment and devices used to carry out a Nervous Conduction Study, from autonomously operating the device, selecting the appropriate amplifiers and electrodes for each situation and filling, or attenuating any artifact/interference that may hinder or prevent the performance of the exam.
– Have knowledge of needle electromyography, to better understand the implications and extensions of pathologies that can affect the peripheral nervous system and allow monitoring and assisting the neurophysiologist during its execution.
Review of concepts of nerve conduction studies and on the elements that make up the peripheral nervous system (peripheral nerve, skeletal muscle and neuromuscular transmission);
Basic and general principles of needle electromyography;
Electromyography patterns – normal and pathological findings;
Study of pathologies of the Peripheral Nervous System:
- Polyneuropathies;
- Radiculopathies
- Plexopathies;
- Motor Neuron Diseases;
- Muscle Diseases (Myopathies, Muscular Dystrophies and Myositis);
- Neuromuscular Transmission Diseases: Myasthenia Gravis, Eaton-Lambert Syndrome and Botulism;
Curricular Unit Teachers
– Kimura, J. Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle – Principles and Practice. 4th Ed. 2013. Oxford University Press.
– Preston DC, Shapiro BE. Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic Correlations. 3rd Ed. 2013. Elsevier Saunders.
– Netter, F.H. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 3rd Ed. 2003. Teterboro; New Jersey. Icon Learning System
– Liveson, J.A., Ma, D.M. Laboratory Reference for Clinical Neurophysiology. 1st Ed. 1992. F.A. Davis Company
– Sethi, RK, Thompson, LL. The Electromyographer’s Handbook. 2nd Ed. 1989. Little, Brown and Company.
– Buschbacher, R.M., Prahlow, N. Manual of Nerve Conduction Studies. 2nd Ed. 2005. Demos Medical Publishing.
– Geiringer, SR. Anatomic Localization for Needle Electromyography, 1st Ed. 1991. Hanley and Belfus, Inc. Philadelphia.