Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge of Biology.
Teaching Methodologies
– Use of audio-visual for expository and interactive lessons.
– Possibility of carry out study visits to routine or research laboratories to contact with the different methodologies used in the study of differentiation and human development.
– The recommended bibliography for the discipline is provided in beginning of the school year as well the professor’s weekly timetable to attend students. It is also possible for the student to schedule an individual assistance.
Learning Results
With this course the student should acquire and apply skills in order to integrate knowledge with areas of biological sciences, such as physiology or genetics. The student must acquire knowledge of the different stages of embryonic development; the fate of the germ layers and the differentiation of the various structures, should also comprises the differentiation and tissue composition of distinct structures of the ear.
This curricular unit also aims to give the student skills to recognize and apply concepts and principles of general and audiovestibular embryology; identify and describe the events that characterize the successive stages of embryonic development and the time and reason for the occurrence of apoptosis in human embryology.
Introduction to Human Embryology.
Human reproduction.
Female and male reproductive organs. Gametogenesis: spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
First week of embryonic development.
Second week of embryonic development.
Third week of embryonic development:
Gastrulation and neurulation.
Fourth week of embryonic development:
Period of organogenesis.
Embryonic development of the fourth to eighth week.
Fetal Period.
General characteristics of embryo development the ninth week to birth.
Embryonic development of birds – observation.
Apoptotic mechanisms and functions.
Pharyngeal apparatus.
Components of the pharyngeal arch and destiny.
Embryonic development of the ear.
External ear.
Middle ear.
Inner ear.
Cell, nervous tissue, and central and peripheral nervous system.
Development of the ear histologic.
External ear: pinna. External auditory canal. Eardrum. Glands.
Middle ear: ossicles.
Inner ear: bony labyrinth. Membranous labyrinth.
Saccule and utricle (macula).
The Semicircular Canals (Ampullae).
Cochlea and spiral organ of Corti.
Curricular Unit Teachers
- Primary bibliography:
– Moore, K.L.; Persaud, T.V.N. 2000. Embriologia Básica. 5ª Ed. Editora Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro.
– Sadler, T.W. 2013. Langman – Embriologia Médica. 12ª Ed. NOVA GUANABARA. Brasil
– Azevedo C.; Sunkel, CE. 2012. Biologia Celular. 5ª Ed. Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lisboa.
– Herdman, S.J. 2002. Reabilitação Vestibular. 2ª Ed. Editora Manole Ltda. São Paulo.
– Ruah, S.A.B. & Ruah, C.B. Manual de Otorrinolaringologia. Volume II. Editora Roche Farmacêutica Química,
Lda. ISBN 972-8454-01-5.
– STEPHENS, Dafydd; JONES, Lesley, ed. lit. – The effects of genetic hearing impairment in the family.
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, cop. 2006. xiv, [2], 359 p. ISBN 978-0-470-02964-0
– Roeser, R.J., Valente, M.; Hosford-Dunn, H. Audiology: Diagnosis 2nd Ed. New York. Thieme. 2007. ISBN
978-1-58890-542-0. 100-121. - Secondary bibliography::
– Schoenwolf, G. & Bleyl, S. & Brauer, P. & Francis-West, P. 2014. Larsen’s Human Embryology, 5th Ed.
Elsevier – Churchill Livingstone. USA.
– Romero, MEC; Salcedo, PGH; Dorado, AM; Tomazini Ortiz, PG. 2005. Embriologia: biologia do
desenvolvimento. 1ª Ed. 2005. Iátria, São Paulo. ISBN: 85-7614-033-0