Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methods based on theoretical explanation through oral presentation with the support of audiovisual means, theoretical-practical explanation using examples and real works using simulated exercises and methodologies.
Theoretical assessment (Frequency) – 60%
Theoretical-practical assessment (works and exercises in class) -40 %
Minimum grades of 9.5 in each of the matrices
Exam assessment according to academic regulations
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge of:
Legislation applicable to the field of knowledge
Equipment available for emergency operation
Tools for preparing emergency plans
The student must acquire skills to:
Identify the risks and possible events that could trigger an emergency for the building and users
Identify the type, risk category and present risks,
Elaborate or participate in the preparation of the emergency response for each type of establishment
The student must acquire competences to:
Lead the emergency organization teams
Respond in emergencies
Train and sensitize emergency teams and users.
Characterization of emergency situations
Natural and technological hazards
Legal framework of the emergency organization
Entities and bodies responsible for organizing emergency and civil protection
Structuring emergency plans
Types of emergency plans
Criteria for dimensioning human resources and intervention teams
Location and dimensioning criteria for emergency routes and exits
Location and dimensioning criteria for fire-fighting, evacuation and first-aid equipment
Prevention and protection measures from serious and immediate danger
Individual protection equipment of intervention teams and respective characteristics
Intervention and relief
Preparation of emergency planning and internal emergency plans
CIENFUEGOS, Freddy – Segurança no laboratório. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2001. xvi, 269 p. ISBN 85-7193-057-0
FRANCO, Maria Helena [et al.] – Sinalização de segurança e saúde nos locais de trabalho [Brochura]. 2ª ed. Lisboa: IDICT, 2001. 61 p. ISBN 972-8321-33-3
NOGUEIRA, Ana Freitas Cruz – Metais: riscos de exposição profissional [Brochura]. 1ª ed. Lisboa: IDICT, 2004. 40 p. ISBN 972-8321-66-X
PINHAL, Hermínia Rodrigues – Agentes carcinogénicos no local de trabalho [Brochura]. 1ª ed. Lisboa : IDICT, 2004. 60 p. ISBN 972-8321-68-6
PORTUGAL. Direcção-Geral da Saúde. Divisão de Saúde Ocupacional – Medidas de controlo de agentes biológicos nocivos à saúde dos trabalhadores. Lisboa: DGS, 2004. 48 p. ISBN 972-675-107-1
PROENÇA, Maria do Carmo Veríssimo – Exposição ao amianto [Brochura]. 1ª ed. Lisboa : IDICT, 2004. 56 p. ISBN 972-8321-67-8
REIS, Vítor – Gestão da segurança contra incêndio em locais de trabalho : edifícios. Lisboa : Petrica Editores, 2016. 112 p. ISBN 978-989-99550-2-8