Base Knowledge
Biology, Ecology, Chemistry and English
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methodologies: Presentation of concepts and case studies. Resolution of quizzes. Preparation of presentations, essays, reports, and quizzes.
Learning Results
Students should be able to:
1.1 Describe the role of energy in the development of societies.
1.2 Distinguish between primary and secondary energy sources.
1.3 List and describe primary and secondary energy sources.
1.4 Classify energy resources into renewable and non-renewable.
1.6 Calculate thermal inputs and fuel consumptions using the concepts of lower heating value, conversion efficiency and tonne of oil equivalent;
2.1 Explain de meaning of a country’s energy dependence.
2.2 List and describe strategies to reduce energy dependence.
2.3 Explain the influence of geopolitical frameworks on energy supply and prices.
3.1 Identify environmental problems resulting from energy production and use.
3.2 Justify the relevance of implementing energy efficiency measures and using renewable and low-polluting energy sources.
3.3 Estimate carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from combustion processes and form leaks of other greenhouse gases.
4.1 Explain the international framework of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP).
4.2 List and describe qualitatively the objectives and targets of the NECP.
4.3 Give examples of policies and measures envisaged in the NECP.
1. Energy and development of societies.
2. Energy dependence.
3. Energy and environmental problems.
4. Energy and environmental policies.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - one written individual test, with a weight of 50% to the final mark; - 50.0%
- - two individual or group essays, with a weight of 50% to the final mark - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
– Aragão, A. (2014). O princípio do poluidor – pagador. Pedra angular da política comunitária do Ambiente. Instituto Jurídico da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra.
– Singer, S., Denruyter, J.P. (eds) (2011). The energy report: 100% renewable energy by 2050. WWF-International.
– Sá, A.F.R.S. (2016). Guia de aplicações de Gestão de energia e eficiência energética (3.ª ed.). Publindústria.
– Castro, R. (2022). Uma Introdução às Energias Renováveis: Eólica, Fotovoltaica e Mini-Hídrica (4.ª ed.). IST Press