Base Knowledge
Knowledge associated with the operation of Electrical Energy Systems.
Mathematical Methods.
Energy sector.
Major primary energies.
Teaching Methodologies
Lectures with projection of theoretical slides on different subjects.
Theoretical and practical lessons with resolution of different exercises/real problems.
Laboratorial classroom lessons with resolution of different exercises/real problems.
Learning Results
The main aims of this course unit are:
Analyze the most relevant models that have been used to form the new skeleton of power systems: restructuring of tariff systems; the Portuguese electricity sector and the MIBEL; regulation and regulatory approaches; the basic economics and engineering used to design power markets; nodal marginal pricing; and investment analysis;
Analyze the natural gas coal, oil and renewable energy market;
An important objective of this course is to contribute to develop the capacity of the students to work autonomously, to do bibliographic research, to prepare written reports and to deliver oral presentations.
At the end of this course unit the learner is expected to be able:
To understand the Market structures of electricity.
To understand the standard principles of bilateral markets, exchanges and pools.
To understand the natural gas, coal, oil and renewable energy market.
To understand the basic economics and engineering used to design energy markets.
1. Evolution of energy systems in a market environment.
2. Market structures of electricity.
3. Regulatory policies.
4. Methods of assessment and justification of spot prices.
5. Markets energy production.
6. Tariff systems.
7. Structure and operation of MIBEL.
8. World energy situation.
9. Natural Gas Market.
10. Coal Market.
11. Oil Market.
12. Renewable Energy Market.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Notes from Theoretical classes, Exercise Sheets and Experiences, statements of practical work (Moodle).
Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga (2013), Regulation of the power sector, Springer, cop. 2013. – 375 p. : il. – (Power systems), ISBN 978-1-4471-5034-3 (e-book).
Daniel S. Kirschen, Goran Strbac (2019), Fundamentals of Power System Economics, Wiley, 2019, ISBN 978-1-119-21324-6, cota:1-2-610 (ISEC) – 18693.
João Paulo Tomé Saraiva, J. Pereira da Silva, M. T. Ponce de Leão(2002), Mercados de Electricidade – Regulação e
Tarifação de uso das Redes, Edição da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 2002.
IEA – International Energy Agency (
Documentação da ERSE (
Biblioteca do conhecimento online (
Complementary Bibliography
S. Stoft(2002), Power System Economics, IEEE/Wiley, 2002.
J. P. Sucena Paiva(2007), Redes de Energia Eléctrica, uma Análise Sistémica, 2.ª Edição, IST Press, Dezembro de 2007.
C. Harris (2006), Electricity Markets: Pricing, Structures and Economics, Wiley, 2006.
Luís Mira Amaral(2006), Energia e Mercado Ibérico, Booknomics, Junho de 2006.