Teaching Methodologies
Expositive component, using audio visual resources and participative strategies, complemented by guided research work.
Practical component, with analysis of practical cases, exercises, and development of a business plan (in a team).
The students will be encouraged to participate in seminars/workshops on the themes under study, as well as in competition for entrepreneurship promotion.
Learning Results
1 Know the general aspects of a company and the basic management principals. Understand and connect behavioral theories and organizational structures. Recognize the importance of business ethics and corporate social responsibility
2 Understand the role of teams for the organization’s effectiveness and the importance of team management
3 Know and apply marketing principles. Understand the role of marketing to develop the market and the importance of market research and of a marketing plan
4 Know and apply the basic principles of operations management
5 Know and apply the principles of financial management. Elaborate the economic-financial diagnosis of a company and propose action measures in function of the obtained results
6 Learn the concept of entrepreneurship in its multiple aspects and be aware of its economic and social relevance
7 Acquire capacity to identify, evaluate, and develop strategies for a business idea. Carry out and present a business plan and understand its importance
1. Introductory concepts. General aspects of a company. Organizational structures. Organizational behavior. Ethics and social responsibility.
2. Team management: characteristics and benefits of teamwork, types of teams, management skills and conflict resolution.
3. Marketing: market analysis, strategies of value creation, consumer behavior, segmentation, positioning, marketing mix strategic variables, marketing plan.
4. Basic principles of operations management: the organization as a value system, operations control, and quality control.
5. Financial management: functions of financial manager, financial statements, economic-financial analysis of companies, financial evaluation of investment projects.
6. Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial process, business ideas and opportunities, investment and financing solutions, business plan, formalities to set up a company.
Maçães, Manuel (2018) – Manual de Gestão Moderna: Teoria e Prática. 2ª ed., Coimbra: Actual Editora. ISNB 9789896942984.
LISBOA, João, et al (2011) – Introdução à Gestão de Organizações. 3ª ed., Porto: Vida Económica. ISNB 2011.9789727884681.
NEVES, João Carvalho (2014) – Análise e Relato Financeiro: Uma visão integrada de gestão. 7ª ed., Lisboa: Texto Editores. ISBN 9789724743264.
KOTLER, Philip; KELLER, Kevin (2012) – Marketing Management, 14th ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780132102926.
SILVA, Eduardo; MONTEIRO, Fátima (2014) – Empreendedorismo e Plano de Negócio – 2ª Edição Revista e Atualizada. 2ª ed., Porto: Vida Económica. ISBN 9789897680120.
OSTERWALDER, Alexander; PIGNEUR, Yves (2011) – Criar Modelos de Negócio. 6ª ed., Lisboa: Dom Quixote. ISBN 9789722044974.
BLANK, Steve. (2013). Why the Lean Start-up Changes Everything. Harvard Business Review.