Enterprise Management and Entrepreneurship

Teaching Methodologies

Expositive component, using audio visual resources and participative strategies, complemented by guided research work.
Practical component, with analysis of practical cases, exercises, and development of a business plan (in a team).
The students will be encouraged to participate in seminars/workshops on the themes under study, as well as in competition for entrepreneurship promotion.

Learning Results

1 Know the general aspects of a company and the basic management principals. Understand and connect behavioral theories and organizational structures. Recognize the importance of business ethics and corporate social responsibility
2 Understand the role of teams for the organization’s effectiveness and the importance of team management
3 Know and apply marketing principles. Understand the role of marketing to develop the market and the importance of market research and of a marketing plan
4 Know and apply the basic principles of operations management
5 Know and apply the principles of financial management. Elaborate the economic-financial diagnosis of a company and propose action measures in function of the obtained results
6 Learn the concept of entrepreneurship in its multiple aspects and be aware of its economic and social relevance
7 Acquire capacity to identify, evaluate, and develop strategies for a business idea. Carry out and present a business plan and understand its importance 


1. Introductory concepts. General aspects of a company. Organizational structures. Organizational behavior. Ethics and social responsibility.
2. Team management: characteristics and benefits of teamwork, types of teams, management skills and conflict resolution.
3. Marketing: market analysis, strategies of value creation, consumer behavior, segmentation, positioning, marketing mix strategic variables, marketing plan.
4. Basic principles of operations management: the organization as a value system, operations control, and quality control.
5. Financial management: functions of financial manager, financial statements, economic-financial analysis of companies, financial evaluation of investment projects.
6. Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial process, business ideas and opportunities, investment and financing solutions, business plan, formalities to set up a company.




Maçães, Manuel (2018) – Manual de Gestão Moderna: Teoria e Prática. 2ª ed., Coimbra: Actual Editora. ISNB 9789896942984.
LISBOA, João, et al (2011) – Introdução à Gestão de Organizações. 3ª ed., Porto: Vida Económica. ISNB 2011.9789727884681.
NEVES, João Carvalho (2014) – Análise e Relato Financeiro: Uma visão integrada de gestão. 7ª ed., Lisboa: Texto Editores. ISBN 9789724743264.
KOTLER, Philip; KELLER, Kevin (2012) – Marketing Management, 14th ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780132102926.
SILVA, Eduardo; MONTEIRO, Fátima (2014) – Empreendedorismo e Plano de Negócio – 2ª Edição Revista e Atualizada. 2ª ed., Porto: Vida Económica. ISBN 9789897680120.
OSTERWALDER, Alexander; PIGNEUR, Yves (2011) – Criar Modelos de Negócio. 6ª ed., Lisboa: Dom Quixote. ISBN 9789722044974.
BLANK, Steve. (2013). Why the Lean Start-up Changes Everything. Harvard Business Review.