Entrepreneurship and Business Creation

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Periodic evaluation and evaluation by exam.

Learning Results

– Understand entrepreneurship as a force for development and economic vitality of society.
– Understand entrepreneurship as a philosophy of personal life that fosters change and finds in disruptive (technological) changes of the market new business opportunities and personal fulfillment.
– Keep in mind that the entrepreneur captures in advance the new market trends and generates new consumption habits through the creation of innovative products and services.
– Stimulate the entrepreneurial potential of students, know the decision process and the determinants of the creation of companies and analyze the economic and financial viability of an investment project.
– Develop an entrepreneurial attitude through understanding business objectives and behaviors.
– Diagnose Business Opportunities
– Develop a business plan and assess its economic and financial viability.
Identify sources of financing for new business.


1. Integrated and comprehensive vision on entrepreneurship
1.1. Structural conditions that favour entrepreneurship and economic development.
1.2. Definitions, concepts and determinants of Entrepreneurship
2. The role of the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial process
2.1. The entrepreneurial spirit, skills and skills of the entrepreneur
3. Methodology for choosing the business project
3.1.. Diagnosis, evaluation and implementation of the project
3.2. The entrepreneurial process : From idea to business definition
4. The business plan – main steps of creating a business plan
4.1.. Canvas model vs business plan
4.2. Entrepreneurial strategies: generation and exploration of new ideas
4.3. Business growth and consolidation strategies
5. Entrepreneurship funding – financing of entrepreneurial projects
6.. Creation of companies / business project
6.1. The main stages of setting up a company
7. Success / Business Failure

Grading Methods

Periodic evaluation
  • - Conduct a written test with - 65.0%
  • - Preparation of a group business plan - 20.0%
  • - Carrying out a practical activity - 15.0%
Final evaluation
  • - Conducting a written examination - 80.0%
  • - Preparation and presentation of a business plan - 20.0%




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