Base Knowledge
Since it is an integrated course it is recommended that students are approved in all previous courses.
Teaching Methodologies
Several methods and techniques are combined:
– Oral presentations, in theoretical-practical classes and seminars/lectures, which encourage the participation of students;
– Specialized literature review, with guidance from the professor, on particular topics of the program;
– Video viewing;
– Development of project work with application of Practice Based Learning (PBL) methodologies;
– Oral presentation and discussion of works;
– Visits and invited lectures;
– Tutorial guidance activities.
Learning Results
1) Knowing the concept of Environmental Education (EE) and its evolution
2) Knowing the National Environmental Education Strategy
3) Understandung the importance of EE in training citizens and contributing to the SDGs
4) Knowing the determinants that shape pro-environmental behaviors and change strategies
5) Acquiring technical and pedagogical skills necessary for the planning, implementation and evaluation of EE actions
Evolution of EA.
Relationship between EE and Sustainable Development.
The National Environmental Education Strategy (ENEA 2020).
Determinants of pro-environmental behavior.
Behavior change strategies.
Design and implementation of EA actions.
AE actions assessment and monitoring tools.
Development of applied projects with PBL.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste e monografias - 40.0%
- - Desenvolvimento de um projecto de EA, apresentação oral e defesa escrita - 60.0%
- - Teste escrito - 100.0%
Bibliografia de base
Abrahamse and Schuitema (2019). Psychology and energy conservation: contributions from theory and practice
APA (2020). Estratégia Nacional de Educação Ambiental (ENEA 2020)
Axen and Kurani (2012). Social Influence, Consumer Behavior, and Low-Carbon Energy Transitions
EC (2017). Attitudes of European citizens towards the environment
Bases da Política de Ambiente, Lei n.º 19/2014
Carta de Belgrado
Constituição da República Portuguesa
Declaração de Tbilisi
Lockton. Design com intento
Lopes (2016). Estudo do efeito comportamental de uma campanha de sensibilização dirigida a pessoas com deficiências e incapacidades e pessoas idosas
Lopes et al (2019). Energy and Behaviour: Challenges of a low-carbon future
Marchante et al (2017). Using a WebMapping Platform to Engage Volunteers to Collect Data on Invasive Plants Distribution
McKenzie-Mohr and Smith (1999). Fostering sustainable behavior – An introduction to community-based social marketing
Morais P. (2017). Contribución para el conocimiento del componente educativo en contextos de ecoturismo en Portugal. Tesis Doctoral
Schimdt et al (2010). Educação Ambiental – Balanço e perspetivas para uma agenda mais sustentável
Schmidt et al (2016). Primeiro Grande Inquérito sobre Sustentabilidade Relatório Final
Schmidt et al (2018). Segundo Grande Inquérito sobre Sustentabilidade Relatório Final
Stern et al (2016). Opportunities and insights for reducing fossil fuel consumption by households and organizations
Verbrugge et al (2021). Novel tools and best practices for education about invasive alien species
Sítios de referência:
Artigos científicos e outro material fornecido pela docente.