Environmental Management Applied to Tourism

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Teaching and learning methodologies combine theoretical and practical approaches. Concepts necessary for the development of the student’s analytical capacity will be exposed, identifying relevant sources of information and stimulating research and content analysis. This approach will be complemented with the analysis of good practices cases in the context of the development of tourism activity, namely through one field visit. Group works will be carried out, encouraging self-training and critical thinking in the various domains that comprise the integrated analysis of sustainable management of inland tourism. Two types of evaluation are foreseen. Assessment by final exam consists of carrying out a knowledge assessment test (100%). Continuous assessment results from the following assessment parameters:
a) Theoretical test (30%)
b) Group work/case studies (40%)
c) Analysis of scientific articles/class exercises/fieldtrip report (30%)

Learning Results

The learning outcomes for this curricular unit are centered on providing a key set of skills that prepare the students as responsible citizens and future professionals that will be able to:

1- Understand the reasons for the necessity of adopting responsible approaches at different levels considering the main challenges posed to tourism development, focusing on the specificities of inland territories.
2- Identify the main national and international guidelines aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, focused on circular economy, carbon neutrality as to indorse sustainable tourism, ethics, and corporate social responsibility.
3- Promote the rational use of resources by identifying impacts and response models. integrating responsible management practices that consolidate the competitiveness of tourism enterprises and inland destinations.
4- Recognize the main trends regarding sustainable tourism and distinguishing the main certification systems applied to the tourism sector.


1. Sustainable development of tourism
1.1. Conflict between tourism development and the environment
1.2. Guiding principles and responsible tourism policies
1.3. Tourism and climate change: the challenge of carbon neutrality
2. Sustainability as a factor of business competitiveness and inland destinations
2.1. Main areas of environmental management
2.2. Sustainable tourism certification systems
3. Development of inland destinations and sustainable tourism products: cases of good practices
3.1. Sustainable products and destinations in low-density territories
3.2. Networking: cases of good practices

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Frequency - 30.0%
  • - Report of a seminar or field trip - 30.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%




CARETO, H. & LIMA, S. (2006/2007). Turismo e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Vols. I e II. Lisboa: GEOTA.
Carvalho, N. (2007). Da emergência do problema ambiental à emergência do ambiente na sociologia. Revista Barlia, Nº 3/4, pp. 7-27.
Crossley, E. (2020). Ecological grief generates desire for environmental healing in tourism after COVID-19.Tourism Geographies, 22:3, 536-546.
European Environmental Agency (2018). Tourism and the Environment – Towards a reporting mechanism in Europe. Barcelona: ETC/ULS.
Geerts, W. (2014). Environmental certification schemes: Hotel managers’ views and perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 39, pp. 87-96.
LIMA, S. (2008). A Gestão Ambiental no Sector Hoteleiro. Lisboa: GEOTA.
Turismo de Portugal (2022). Business: Sustentabilidade e Turismo: http://business.turismodeportugal.pt/pt/crescer/sustentabilidade