Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
In the initial period of the course the exposition method is adopted to introduce the theme of Environmental Management Systems (EMS), often resorting to the presentation of examples. Subsequently, the issues related to the standard requirements are taught according to a project oriented method: each group of students, after choosing an industrial activity sector, simulates the implementation of the EMS planning requirements according to ISO 14001.
Students until the second week of classes should opt for one of the two allowed assessment systems. In the first (traditional evaluation), the students are assessed through a final exam, without consultation. In the second (continuous assessment), students are assessed using two tests (minimum grade of 7.5 values) during the school year (worth 30% each) and performance in class (40%), particularly in resolving the group work.
Learning Results
This course provides to students the knowledge about Environmental Management Systems (EMS). After a historical introduction to the subject, it is presented the reference standard – ISO 14001: 2015 – simulating the implementation of EMS in an industrial company.
It is intended that students i) acquire knowledge to understand the EMS as well as mastering the fundamentals and requirements of the implementation of an EMS in the industry according to ISO 14001: 2015; ii) learn identification methodologies and assessment of the main environmental aspects and environmental impacts of a particular activity; iii) acquire the ability to solve environmental problems; iv) develop interpersonal skills at the level of interaction with other students; iv) develop communication skills in the presentation and discussion of the work carried out.
1. Fundamentals of Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Historical background.
2. Motivation for the implementation of an EMS and Environmental Certification
3. NP EN ISO 14001: 2015. Relationship with other management systems.
4. Identification and evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts
5. Main legal requirements relating to the environment applicable to industry
6. The requirements of NP EN ISO 14001: 2015
7. Community Eco-Management and Audit System – EMAS. Main features. Legal support. EMAS versus ISO 14001
8. Fundamentals of Environmental Audit
5. Norma Portuguesa. NP EN ISO 19011 2012. Linhas de orientação para auditorias a sistemas de gestão (ISO 19011:2011).
6. Regulamento (CE) n.º 1221/2009, de 25 de novembro (EMAS III).
2. Whitelaw, K., ISO 14001 Environmental Systems Handbook, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2ª edição, 2004, ISBN 0 7506 4843 0.
7. Legislação ambiental diversa.
1. Miller, Jr,G.T. e Spoolman, S.E., Living in the Environment: Concepts, Connections, and Solutions, Cengage Learning, 16ª edição, 2008 ISBN
4. Norma NP EN ISO 14001:2015. Sistemas de gestão ambiental. Requisitos e linhas de orientação para a sua utilização (ISO 14001:2015).
3. Guimarães Sá, J., Santos, João; de Sousa, Teresa Carvalho e de Sousa, Rita Ribeiro. Guia do Utilizador ISO 14001:2015. APCER 2016…