Environmental Studies

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

In this course classes will be taught by a teacher of Social Sciences and another of Natural Sciences thus supporting integrated analysis, debate, research and reflection . In order to enable an understanding of the local, regional and national levels, to promote field trips and study visits.
Continuous/periodic assessment will take into account the performance of individual master’s students, including their attendance, motivation, participation and critical reflection (20%), or the preparation of documents (40%) to be presented and discussed in class (40%). Aspects such as structure and organization of information, recipients’ adequacy and work goals, language used, quality and correctness of scientific information will be valued. Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and oral test (only if the classification 8 or 9 points).

Learning Results

Understand the inherent dynamics of natural and social processes contextualized in time and space.
Recognize the importance of protection, conservation and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage.


1. Perception of Nature and Society during Humanity History
2. Natural and Cultural Heritage

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Document's presentation and discussion - 40.0%
  • - Documents elaboration - 40.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%




Clarke, P. (2012). Education for sustainability: becoming naturally smart. Routledge
Diemer, A.; Marquat, C. (Dir.) (2016). Educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Desafios e controvérsias. Instituto Piaget
Garcia, R. (2004). Sobre a Terra. Público.
Gerald A. Lieberman. (2013). Education and the environment. Creat Standards – based programs in schools and districts. Harvard Education Press
Holland, C. (2012). I love my world. The playful, hands-on, nature connection guidebook. 2nd edition. Wholeland Press.
Lascelles, C. (2018). Uma Breve História do Mundo. Alma dos Livros
Martins, G. O. (2020) Património cultural. Realidade viva. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Tugores, F., Planas, R. (2006). Introducción al patrimonio cultural. Ediciones Trea.
UNEP, CDB & OMS (Eds.) (2015). Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health A State of Knowledge Review. UNEP.
UNESCO. (2017). Educação para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Objetivos de aprendizagem. UNESCO