Enzyme Technology

Base Knowledge

General Chemistry and Maths

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical classes the general presentation of the subjects is carried out, being presented: the programmatic contents; examples of application of the subject matter where appropriate; topics for discussion during the class or in the following classes through the use of slideshow or podcasts.
In the laboratory practical classes, the fundamentals of the experimental work to be performed (at the beginning of the experimental activity), discussed and interpreted the results obtained (during and at the end of the activity) will be presented. In these classes will be provided a space for presentation and discussion of themes and their application in other contexts. Students will be encouraged to pre-read the recommended bibliography and a critical and substantiated analysis of the results obtained in accordance with the scientific evidence learned.
Study visits may be made.

Learning Results

2.1. Knows the theoretical and practical principles related to Enzymatic Technology
2.2. Applies knowledge and uses laboratory resources to solve problems and accomplish tasks, through logical thinking, intuitive and creative, manual dexterity with the use of materials, tools and methods.
2.3. Demonstrates ability to use personal knowledge, skills and abilities in the context of a group study for professional and personal development.


A. Theoretical Component
Fundamentals of Enzymatic Technology
Historical Introduction
General Properties of Enzymes
Classification and nomenclature of enzymes
Structure and function of enzymes
Kinetics of enzymatic reactions and factors that influence enzymatic activity
Immobilization of enzymes
Applications of Enzymes: as final product; as process additives; in food systems; in biotransformation processes.
B. Practical Component
Use of enzymes in practical laboratory work. Determination of enzymatic activity and kinetic constants of enzyme catalyzed reactions. Evaluation of the optimal conditions to favor the enzymatic activity and to identify experimentally the mechanisms of enzymatic inhibition

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Teste Teórico - 60.0%
  • - Teste Prático - 40.0%




CABRAL, J.M.S., AIRES-BARROS, M.R., Engenharia Enzimática, Ed. Lidel. 2007. ISBN: 972-757-272-3

LIMA, N., MOTA, M., Biotecnologia, Ed. Lidel. 2003. ISBN: 972-757-197-2

UCHHOLZ, K.,BORNSCHEUER, U.,KASCHE, V. Biocatalysts and Enzyme Technology. UK: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2012. 626 p.