Equine management

Base Knowledge

Basic biology knowledge

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching / learning process is based on:

  • Theoretical-practical classes of expository methodology for the presentation of theoretical contents, with presentations in “power point” and use of audiovisual means to demonstrate certain contents
  • Practical application classes (demonstration and execution) to sediment the theoretical contents presented

Learning Results

  • Know the horse evolution;
  • Know the different natural horse behaviors;
  • Identify the main horse behavior problems;
  • Identify the main coats and distinctive marks in horses;
  • Know the main horse breeds;
  • Know the main aspects regarding horse conformation;
  • Know the principles related to horse transportation and logistics.


  1. Origin and domestication of the horse;
  2. Normal horse behavior;
  3. Main horse behavior problems;
  4. The horse and contemporary society;
  5. Horse’s colour and markings;
  6. Horses native and exotic breeds;
  7. The horse’s uprightness and its importance;
  8. Horse morphological and functional evaluation;
  9. Dental evolution in horses;
  10. The horse and its documentation;
  11. Horses transportation;
  12. Equine boarding and transportation techniques.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Martins da Silva, A. T. (2009). Hipologia – Guia Para o Estudo do Cavalo. LIDEL. Lisboa.

Fraser, A. F. e Broom, D. M. (1990). Farm animal behaviour and welfare. 3ª Edição.

Parker, R. (2013). Equine Science. 4th edition. Delmar. USA.

Vale, J. M. (1976). O exterior do cavalo. Empresa Nacional Publicidade.

Blackshaw, J. K. (2003). Notes on some topics in applied animal behaviour. Disponível em linha. http://www.animalbehaviour.net/JudithKBlackshaw/JKBlackshawWholeBook.pdf

Portas, M. (2003). Identificação de Equinos. Ministério da Agricultura Desenvolvimento Rural e Pescas.

The British Horse Society e The Pony Club (1992). Manual Prático de Equitação. Editorial Presença.

Zeitler-Feicht, M. H. (2004). Horse behaviour explained – origins, treatment and prevention of problems. English edition. Manson Publishing Ltd, London, UK,

Baillière Tindall. Londres. McGreevy, P. (2004). Equine behaviour. Elsevier Ltd, UK

Laetitia Boulin-Néel (2006) O Cavalo Lusitano: Criação e Tradições Equestres em Portugal. 1ª Edição Bertrand Editora

Maria João da Câmara – História do Desporto Equestre Português 1ª Edição ISBN: 9789727970537