Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methodology follows the presencial (classroom) regime with the aim of improving the connection between theoretical and practical knowledge. It uses a theoretical knowledge source (scientific publications) and practical resources (case studies). It is intended to stimulate the active participation of the student through the discussion and presentation of ideas and opinions that include activities of contact with the teacher, orientation tutorial and autonomous work and student group.
Learning Results
The unit has the general objective to prepare the student for interventions in different strategic and operational areas of internationalization of companies. For this purpose the student will be faced with major decisions to be taken and actions to be implemented in order to follow up the international strategy of the company / organization.
Understand the particularities of international / global markets
Develop international / global business.
Analyze the process of internationalization of companies.
Study the main forms of international business expansion.
Discuss the challenges and risks of the business worldwide
Understand the importance of international marketing in pursuing an internationalization strategy to strengthen the company’s competitiveness
To enable students to make decisions in the context of marketing mix in an international perspective, acting on the product, price, distribution and communication channels
I. Concepts and theories
a. Theories and models
b. product life cycle
c. Resource-based view
II. International networks
a. Competitiveness and networks
b. Obstacles to the Internationalization process
c. Global Startups
III. Internationalization Process
a. Choice of markets
b. Input models
c. International Strategy
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste individual - 70.0%
- - Trabalho grupo - 30.0%
- - Exame - 100.0%
Hitt, M., Ireland, R., & Hoskisson, R. (2010) Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases. Mason: South-Western.
Krugman, Paul, Maurice Obstfeld e Marc Melitz (2012), International Economics – Theory and Policy Ninth Edition, Pearson,
Ilhéu, F. (2009); Estratégia de Marketing Internacional; Almedina.
Brooks, J. , Weatherston, J. & Wilkinson, G. (2010); The International Business Environment: Challenges and Changes; 2nd Ed. FT Prentice Hall.
Ghauri, Pervez N., Cateora, Philip, (2010) International Marketing, Bershire, McGraw Hill
Daniels, J. , Radebough, L. & Sullivan, D. (2012); International Business: Environments and Operations; 12th Ed.; Prenti
Mike Peng e Klaus Meyer, (2011) International Business, Cengage Learning
Hill, C. (2013) International Business: Competing in the Global Market Place. Chicago: Irwin McGraw-Hill.