Ethics and Professional Ethics

Learning Results

C1. Knowledge – Definition and distinction of the extrajudicial mechanisms to solve juridical conflicts, at
national and international levels. Comprehension of the solicitor’s role and analysis of the mediation
process. Study of the mediation framework.
C2. Understanding – Understanding the characteristics and the advantages of solicitor’s activities as a
mechanism of resolution and composition of disputes and of social pacification. C3. Application – Assess
efficiently the information of each conflict provided by the parties to decide the appropriate solution to be
applied to each case. C4. Analysis – Perception of the solicitor role and intervention under the mediation
and juridical intervention. C5. Making judgments – Capacity to study independently. Development of the
critical attitude.


1. History and legal framework of the solicitor’s activity.
2. Ethics and duties: on the access and exercise of the profession.
3. Professional responsibility: criminal, disciplinary and civil context.
4. Old and new questions about the solicitor´s profession.
5. Principal aspects of professional and ethics demands: society and the other professionals.
6. Specific areas of activities.
7. New ways for solicitors, in the beginning of XXI century.

Curricular Unit Teachers




– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva, Estatuto dos Solicitadores, Anotado e Comentado, 2.ª Edição, Quid Juris,
– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva, Esboço de um Curso de Deontologia e História da Solicitadoria, Rei dos
Livros, 2013.
– HOMEM, António Pedro Barbas, Judex Perfectus – Função Jurisdicional e Estatuto Judicial em Portugal
1640-1820, Colecção Teses, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 2003.
– ARISTÓTELES, Ética a Nicómaco, 3.ª Edição, Quetzal, 2009.
– PINTO, Eduardo Vera-Cruz, Curso Livre de Ética e Filosofia do Direito, Principia, 2010.
– MAGALHÃES, Fernando Sousa, Estatuto da Ordem dos Advogados, Anotado e Comentado, 8.ª edição,
Livraria Almedina, 2013.
– COSTA, Orlando Guedes da, Direito Profissional do Advogado, Livraria Almedina, 2010.