Teaching Methodologies
Expository / Theoretical method with appeal for analysis and critical reflection with interaction in the classroom.
– Continuous assessment: Relevant interventions in the analyses introduced in class in response to contextualized problems, arising from everyday life.
Student’s engagement is expected, weighing and consolidating the critical reflection on the actions resulting from the decision-making process.
– Summative evaluation: Frequency (Long answer test / essay on the themes referred to in the syllabus (50% of the total evaluation) + Written work (50% of the total evaluation). In case of non-approval the student will have the right to do an exam.
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge to:
• Recognize the main Ethical and Moral concepts and theories that frame Ethical Decision Making in health, contacting, treating and protecting the patient, with dignity and respect.
The student must acquire skills to:
• Establish an empathic relationship with the patient, preserving the Collective Good taking into account individual needs.
The student must acquire competences to:
• Take responsibility for the study and treatment of the patient.
• Manage ethically reflecting human and material resources.
• Participate in Ethical Decision Making in health.
Health and Environment. Analysis of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.
Distributive Justice in health systems; Equal Access to Health Care.
Ethical evidence in health research.
The fundamental role of Ethics Commissions.
The defense of professional secrecy and anonymity. The clinical secret. The invasion of privacy.
The importance of health ethics training. Ethics in health promotion.
Nanotechnology. The limits of therapeutic application.
Patients’ Rights and Duties.
Ethical issues at the beginning and end of life.
The importance of Decision Making in health.
Specific topics for discussion
Curricular Unit Teachers
Archer, Biscaia e Osswald (Coord.). “Bioética”. Lisboa, Verbo, 1999.
Beauchamps, T. & Chidress, J. “Principles of Biomedical Ethics”.7th ed. Oxford, 2012.
Coleman, CH., Bouësseau, M-C., Reis, A. “The contribution of ethics to public health”. OMS, 2008.
Osswald, W. e Patrão Neves, MC. “Bioética Simples”. Lisboa, Verbo, 2007.
Nunes, R. e Melo, H. “Genética e Reprodução Humana”. Porto: Gráfica de Coimbra. ISBN 972-603-231-8. 2000.
Murphy, T. “Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics”. MIT Press. Cambridge. ISBN 0-262-63286-1. 2004.