European Law

Base Knowledge

With the analysis of the programmatic contents exposed and taught, it is intended that students acquire knowledge that will allow them to: (1) grasp the importance of the European integration process, analyzing their past, perceiving the present and the influence on their daily live as well as critically considering the main challenges that arise, nowadays in the European Union; (2) understand the functioning of the European Union as a union of states and citizens.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will have a theoretical-practical nature, being privileged the expositive, formative, interactive and interrogative method.
We start from the exposition and analysis of concrete situations towards the identification and analysis of the referral thematic, after which we will make the exposition of the concepts involved and the identification and interpretation of the applicable norms and principles.


Learning Results


Understanding the European integration process (past, present and future): its main achievements and future challenges.

Characterization of the Legal System of the Union: principles, sources, nature, characteristics, institutional system and judicial organization.

Characterization of the European internal market and the legal framework of fundamental rights in the EU.


Ability to understand and interpret the existing Treaties;
Ability to understand European organization: political, economic, institutional, judicial;
Ability to analyze and implement the Regulatory Framework of the European Union;
Ability to understand the regime of fundamental rights in its relations with national legal systems and the jurisdiction of the Council of Europe.


1. Historical introduction

1.1. Origins and developments of European integration

1.1.1. The post-war and Europe of the Blocks

1.1.2. The end of the blocks and the new European architecture

1.2. From the ECSC to the EU

1.2.1. Legal dimension – from the Treaty of Paris to the Treaty of Lisbon

1.2.2. Geographical dimension – from the six founding States to the current 27 Member States: Brexit and the candidate States

1.2.3. Economic and political dimension

 2. The European Union: status, principles, nature and competences

2.1. The European Union: from the Maastricht Treaty to the Treaty of Lisbon

2.1.1. The objectives and symbols of the EU

2.1.2. EU values

2.1.3. The Communities and the European Union as the creation of law: Fundamental rights in the European Union: from initial agnosticism to the protection expressed in the Treaties; From the ECHR to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

2.1.4. The autonomous nature of the Eu legal order

2.1.5. The legal personality of the EU

2.1.6. The legal nature of the EU: theses in confrontation

2.1.7. The European Union competences: Principle of speciality Principle of conferral powers The question of implicit powers The delimitation of powers after the Treaty of Lisbon: The exclusive competences of the Union Shared competences Complementary competences

2.1.8. The principle of subsidiarity

2.1.9. The principle of proportionality 


3. The institutional law of the European Union:

3.1. Institutions:

3.1.1. The European Council: origin, nature, composition, functioning and competences;

3.1.2. The Council of the European Union: origin, nature, composition, functioning and competences;

3.1.3. The European Parliament: origin, nature, composition, functioning and competences;

3.1.4. The Commission: origin, nature, composition, functioning and competences;

3.1.5. The Court of Justice of the EU: origin, nature, composition, functioning and powers: Community litigation: action for non-compliance; annulment appeal; exception of illegality; appeal by default; action for damages: contractual and non-contractual liability; 

3.1.6. The Court of Auditors: origin, nature, composition, functioning and powers

3.1.7. The European Central Bank;

3.2. Complementary bodies and bodies.


4. The legal order of the European Union

4.1. The sources of EU law:

4.1.1. The originating right: Autonomy, prevalence and content (structure) of the Treaties The revision of the Treaties

4.1.2. Secondary law: Regulations Directives Recommendations and opinions

4.1.3. Unwritten sources: the general principles of law

4.2. The characteristics of EU law

4.2.1. Immediate applicability

4.2.2. The direct effect

4.2.3. The primacy

4.3. Decision-making processes in the European Union

4.3.1. The legislative process in the EU:

4.3.2. The common decision-making process

4.3.3. The ordinary legislative procedure

4.3.4. The special legislative process

4.3.5. The international procurement process

4.3.6. The EU membership process and the process of leaving the EU

4.3.7. The process of revising the Treaties: ordinary and simplified


5. The internal market and fundamental freedoms

5.1. Stages of economic integration: free trade area, customs union, common market and economic and monetary union

5.2. The internal market and the four freedoms

5.2.1. The freedom of movement of goods: Characterization Obstacles: customs duties and charges of equivalent effect / quantitative restrictions and measures of equivalent effect

5.2.2. Freedom of movement of persons and citizenship of the European Union: Citizenship of the European Union: consecration and rights Freedom of movement for workers: rights and exceptions

5.2.3. The right of establishment and the freedom to provide services

5.2.4. Freedom of movement of capital

5.3. Competition policy and law

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main Bibliography:

  • LUCAS, Eugénio . (2021). Lições de Direito da União Europeia. Lisboa: Quid Juris.


  • SOUSA, Domingos Pereira de Sousa  (2021). Direito da União Europeia. Lisboa: Quid Iuris.

Complementary bibliography :

  • BRANDÃO, A.P., COUTINHO, F.P., CAMISÃO, I., ABREU, J.C. (2017). Enciclopédia da União Europeia. Lisboa: Petrony.


  • DUARTE, M. L. (2021). Direito da União Europeia – Lições Desenvolvidas. Lisboa: AAFDL.


  • DUARTE, M. L. (2012). Estudos sobre o Tratado de Lisboa. Coimbra: Almedina.


  • CAMPOS, J. M. de e CAMPOS, J. L. M. (2014). Manual de Direito Europeu. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora (7.ª ed).


  • CAMPOS, J. M. (2014). O Direito Processual da União Europeia – Contencioso Comunitário (2.ª ed.). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


  • GOMES, J. (2016). Lições de Direito da União Europeia. Coimbra: Almedina. (Reimpressão da Edição Original 2009).


  • GORJÃO-HENRIQUES, M. (2019). Direito da União – História, Direito, Cidadania, Mercado Interno e Concorrência (9ª ed.). Coimbra: Almedina.


  • MACHADO, J. (2018). Direito da União Europeia. Coimbra: Gestlegal.


  • MARTINS, A. M. G. (2017). Manual de Direito da União Europeia (2.ª ed.). Coimbra: Almedina.


  • PITTA E CUNHA, P. (2004). Direito Institucional da União Europeia. Coimbra: Almedina.


  • QUADROS, F. (2018). Direito da União Europeia. Coimbra: Almedina.


  • RAMOS, R. M. M. (2019). Estudos de Direito da União Europeia (2.ª ed.). Coimbra: Gestlegal.