Base Knowledge
It is important that Students have knowledge on Biology acquired in the high school.
Teaching Methodologies
In each unit, the main concepts will be exposed via theoretical lectures followed by experimental procedures and/or field trips. The experimental procedures and/or field trips are coordinated by the professor and the students will carry out autonomous work in order to apply and develop the theoretical concepts. For each experimental procedure and/or field trip the students have to present a report.
Learning Results
1. To acquire knowledge on biology and evolutionary biology in order to interpret life and its patterns, specifically on: the origin of life; classification of living based on their specific characteristics; Molecular Genetics and Reproduction, to understand the Evolution of Populations and Speciation; animal behavior.
2. To acquire basic knowledge as a preparation for the other life sciences courses along the study plan.
1. Introduction: How to study life?; How to ask questions and use the scientific method?; What is a theory? How are all organisms alike? How are groups of organisms different from one another?
2. Chemistry and cell biology: The chemical foundations of life; Biological molecules; Why are all organisms made of cells?; Directions and rates of biochemical processes; How do organisms supply themselves with energy? Cellular respiration and photosynthesis; Hereditary and genome: the continuity of life.
3. Patterns and processes of evolution and diversity; What is the evidence of evolution? How do populations evolve?; How do species evolve?
4. Behavioural Science: What questions to ask about behaviour? How do genes and environment interact to shape behaviour? Behaviour responses to the environment; How do organisms communicate?; Why do animal societies evolve?; Orientation and migration.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Written test - 100.0%
- - Written test in each unit (weight of each unit: 1: 12.5%; 2: 27.5%; 3: 40%; 4: 20%) - 80.0%
- - Report in each unit (weight of each unit: 1: 12.5%; 2: 27.5%; 3: 40%; 4: 20%) - 20.0%
AVEN, PH & JOHNSON, GB. (2002). Biology. 6th ed., Boston: McGraw Hill Higher Education. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 26 and 27)
SADAVA, D; Heller, HC; ORIANS, GH.; PURVES, WK & HILLIS, DM. (2008). LIFE: the Science of Biology. 8th ed., Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc. (Parts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 9 plus chapter 53)
STARR, C; EVERS, CA & STARR, L (2007). Biology today and tomorrow. 2nd ed., Belmont: Thomson Brooks/Cole (Units 1, 2 and 3 plus chapter 32)
TOBIN, AJ & DUSHECK, J (2005). Asking about life. 3rd ed., Belmont: Thomson Learning, Inc. (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 plus chapters 1 and 29)