Base Knowledge
– Be able to interpret cerebrovascular ultrasound exams, peripheral arterial disease, abdominal vessel, pelvic and venous disease.
– Possess knowledge of the hemodynamics of peripheral vascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Be able to perform an ultrasound assessment of peripheral arteries and veins, abdominal and pelvic vessels
– Must acquire skills of:
• Identification and description of the normal anatomical and physiological aspect, pathological and variants of normal
The student must acquire skills to: Perform vascular echo-Doppler exams; Cerebral, extracerebral, thoracic, abdominal and peripheral vessels.
– Diagnose the pathology correctly differentiate from normal.
•They should be able to correctly report the vascular Doppler ultrasound exam
Teaching Methodologies
Classes will be spread over 15 weeks, with a weekly load of 5 hours per week (1 theoretical; 2
theoretical-practical and 2 practical).
Classes will be taught in the classroom using computer support through the expository and collaborative method, betting on dialogue and reflection between teacher and students; the theoretical-practical and practical classes will use Training in Hospital and Laboratory environment and interpretation of clinical cases. Research will be given the opportunity
on matters of interest to this course.
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge of:
– Theoretical-practical bases for performing and interpreting cerebrovascular ultrasound exams, disease peripheral arterial, abdominal vessels, pelvic and venous diseases.
– Hemodynamics of peripheral vascular and cerebrovascular diseases
– Ultrasonographic assessment of intra and extracranial arteries
– Ultrasonographic assessment of peripheral arteries and veins
– Ultrasonographic assessment of abdominal and pelvic vessels
The student must acquire skills in:
– Identification and description of the normal anatomical and physiological aspect, pathological and variants of normal
The student must acquire skills of:
– Acquire knowledge about vascular pathology and know:
– Perform vascular echo-Doppler exams
– Identify and differentiate cerebral, extracerebral, thoracic, abdominal and peripheral vessels
– Diagnose the pathology correctly differentiate from normal.
– They should be able to correctly report the vascular Doppler ultrasound exam
1 – Fundamentals of Vascular Ultrasonography
2 – Brief review of Blood Vessels
3- Ultrasonographic evaluation of Carotid pathology
– Methods and Techniques for studying the Endothelial Function; Endothelial function; assessment of arterial stiffness;
4- Ultrasonographic evaluation of the vertebral arteries
5- Ultrasonographic assessment of intracranial arteries
6- Peripheral Arteries:
– Ultrasonographic evaluation of the arteries of the lower and upper extremities
– Physiological tests for PAD assessment
– DAP Assessment
– Ultrasonography of the diagnosis and treatment of arterial emergencies
– Echo-Doppler Study of Peripheral Revascularization Follow-up
– Evaluation of endoleaks in aortic vascular endoprostheses; Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
7- Peripheral veins:
– Venous anatomy of the extremities, terminology and ultrasound characteristics of normal veins
– Ultrasonographic diagnosis of venous insufficiency
8- Vessels of the Abdomen and Pelvis
9- Ultrasonographic evaluation of the thoracic, abdominal aorta, iliac arteries, and entire venous system
10- Ultrasonographic evaluation of the splenic arteries (mesenteric)
11- Ultrasonographic evaluation of the Hepatic vasculature
12 – Ultrasound Evaluation of Renal Vessels and Renal Grafts
13 – Ultrasound Evaluation of the Genital Vessels
14 – Intra-Vascular Ultrasonography
Curricular Unit Teachers
Primary Bibliography:
– Doppler sem Segredos . André Paciello Romualdo. 2ª Edição: ELSEVIER, abril de 2019. ISBN (versão eletrônica): 978-85-352-8160-6.
– Zwiebel, William J. Pellerito, J. Introdução à Ultrassonografia Vascular. 5ª Edição, Elsevier, 2007.
– Doppler sem segredos – 1. ed. André Paciello Romualdo.- Rio de Janeiro : Elsevier, 2015. ISBN 978-85-352-8099-9
Secondary Bibliography:
– Engehorn, A. et al. Guia Pratico de Ultrassonografia Vascular- 3ª edição. Dilivros editora ltda. 2016 ISBN: 978-85-8053-111-4.
– Doppler ultrasonography of the lower extremity arteries: anatomy and scanning guidelines. pISSN: 2288-5919 • eISSN: 2288-5943 Ultrasonography 2017;36:111-119
– Recomendação para a Quantificação pelo Ultrassom da Doença Aterosclerótica das Artérias Carótidas e Vertebrais: Grupo de Trabalho do Departamento de Imagem Cardiovascular da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia – DIC – SBC. DOI: 10.5935/2318-8219.20150018
– Molnár, J. L & Cerri, G. G. Ultrassonografia Vascular. Revinter, 2008.