Experimental Sciences

Base Knowledge

Students should have a general and transversal knowledge base and competences that promote the understanding and construction of knowledge and the development of new competences in the areas of the curricular unit.

Teaching Methodologies

The option for formal evaluation through final exame or through continuous evaluation is submited to the individual choice of the master’s students.
In continuous evaluation, are considered the following elements:
– Individual performance in the classroom, during the CU sessions, namely by attendance, punctuality, participation and motivation of the students;
– Elaboration of individual and / or in group works, including Workshops of experimental and laboratorial activity (with presentation and discussion in the classroom), regarding a globalizing and integrated approach proposal of contents in which are appreciated aspects such as sources’ explicitation, information structure and organization, adequation to the targeted audience and work objectives, language utilized, quality of information contained and its scientific accuracy. Whenever possible, evaluation of the written document on scientific contents.

Learning Results

To develop skills in order to be capable of an articulated construction of knowledge through globalizing approaches and implementation of methodologies that privilege active learning, allowing the construction of their own knowledge.
To demonstrate empowerment, development of basic skills of planning and promote their enhancement for the future professional pratice with children from 10 to 12 years old, mobilizing knowledge and skills of Natural Sciences and according to the Programs of the 2nd CEB of the Area of Physical and Natural Sciences.


Scientific further development and greater specificity of formative topics of ESEC’s Basic Education Course Natural Sciences:
1. Matter in detail;
2. Universe and Earth;
3. Environment and life on Earth;
4. Human Being: ecologic aspects (Bio-psycho-socio-sociogenics);
5. Quality and sustainability;
6. Chemical substances and transformations;
7. Natural Sciences in everyday life.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - Attendance and Participation - 15.0%
  • - Documents elaboration - 45.0%
  • - Document's presentation and discussion - 40.0%




Albuquerque,A.M.(2012)”Releitura de Touchpoints em caminhos para a Qualidade da Educação: Resiliência na AEPEC”, In M.F. Patrício, L.Sebastião, J.M.M. Justo, J.Bonito (org.) “Da Exclusão à Excelência: caminhos organizacionais para a qualidade da educação”.Montargil: AEPEC, pp 305.


Brahie,A.;Tapponnier,P.;Brown,L.;Girardon,J. (2003).A mais bela história da Terra. Porto: Edições ASA.


Cunha,E. (2010). Como nos tornámos humanos. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.


Damásio,A.(2010);O Livro da Consciência: a construção do cérebro consciente. Maia: Círculo Leitores.


Debelmas,J. e Mascle,G.,eds. (2002). As Grandes Estruturas Ecológicas. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


Fiolhais,C. e Martins,D.(2010). Breve História da Ciência em Portugal. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.


Galileu Galilei (2010). Sidereus Nuncius: O Mensageiro das Estrelas 2ª ed..Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


Pereira,H.M.,Domingos,T. e Vicente,L.(2010). Ecossistemas e o Bem-estar Humano: avaliação para Portugal do Millennium E. A. Lisboa:Escolar Ed.