External Anatomy and Anatomy of the Horse

Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge in the area of biology would be desirable.

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the proposed learning outcomes, the teaching/learning process is based on:
– theoretical-practical classes of the expository methodology of the theoretical contents, exemplifying in anatomical models and with presentations in “PowerPoint”.
– high component with in vivo horses practical classes, so that the student can identify and correlate the different anatomical regions with their function.
– use of audio-visual means to demonstrate certain physiological mechanisms.

Learning Results

Learning outcomes:

1. To know the exterior of the horse and its relationship with the various organic structures.

2. To know the skeletal, articular, muscular, and integumentary systems of the horse.

3. To know the location and macroscopic structure of different systems of the animal organism.


1. The exterior of the horse: main regions of the head, trunk, and limbs. Growth and development and their relations with the regions outside the animal

2. The skeleton of the horse: the skull, spine, foreleg, and hind limb

3. The horse’s joints: structure and classification of joints. The main joints. The main changes to which they are subject.

4. The muscles of the horse: structure and classification of muscles. The main muscles of the horse. Mechanism of muscular contraction.

5. The integumentary system: structure of the skin and the hairs. The hull.

6. The urinary system: structure, location, and function of the main organs.

7. Circulatory system: structure and location of the heart, arteries, and veins. Pulmonary and systemic circulation.

8. Lymphatic system: lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and spleen.

9. Respiratory system: structure, location, and function of the main organs.

10. Digestive system: structure, location, and function of the main organs.

11. Reproductive system: structure, location, and function of the main organs.

Curricular Unit Teachers




– Notes prepared by professors.

-Frandson, R.D.; Wilke, W. L.; Fails, A.D. (2005). Anatomia e Fisiologia dos Animais Domésticos. Guanabara Koogan S. A., Rio de Janeiro.

-Popesko, Peter (1980). Atlas d`anatomie topographiques des animaux domestiques, Volume I, II e III. Malone S.A., Paris.

-Silva, Ana Teresa (2009). HIPOLOGIA- Guia para o estudo do cavalo. Lidel- edições técnicas, Lisboa.

-Sisson, S. e Grossman, J.D. (1982) Anatomia de los animales domésticos. Masson, S.A., Barcelona.

-Vale, J. M. (1976). O exterior do cavalo. Empresa Nacional Publicidade.