Base Knowledge
Accounting knowledge acquired in the 1st year of the Degree, in addition to knowledge in budget accounting
Teaching Methodologies
Expository method, using theoretical presentations of the syllabus, combined with the application of practical cases prepared in accordance with the objectives of the course unit.
Learning Results
The main objective of this course is to understand, apprehend and apply, on the part of the student body, the Financial Accounting system of public sector.
In this perspective, the present curricular unit has as specific objectives:
- Provide solid training in public accounting, namely in terms of financial accounting;
- Identify the accounting standardization process followed in the Portuguese public sector and the content of the resulting conceptual structure;
- Study and analyze Public Accounting Standards inherent to the financial accounting system;
- Present the concept of public property and its classification.
In terms of skills and knowledge acquired, at the end of the semester students should be able to:
- Understand the general concepts and specific accounting designations of financial accounting;
- Interpret and apply the Sistema de Normalização Contabilística das Administração Públicas, namely with regard to financial accounting;
- Assimilate the notion of public property and its classification.
- Retain the main aspects of the public accounting standards analyzed and their impact on public accounting;
- Interpret and apply the accounting treatment of the various matters covered;
- Understand the specifics of public financial accounting.
I – The SNC-AP and the Conceptual Framework
II – The public property
Notion and classification
The Inventory of public property
III – Investments
Intangible Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment
Service Concession Arrangements: Grantor
Recognition of Assigned Properties
IV – Revenue
Revenue from Exchange Transactions
Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions
V – Impairment of Non-Cash-Generating Assets
VI – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
VII – Inventories and Agricultural Activity
VIII – Borrowing Costs
Curricular Unit Teachers
Fundamental Bibliography
Custódio, Célia; Viana, Carla (2019). SNC-AP Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas – Visão prática do SNC-AP. Almedina.
Nunes, Alberto Velez et al. (2019). O Sistema de Normalização Contabilística: Administrações Contabilísticas: Teoria e Prática, 2.ª edição. Almedina.
Ribeiro, Pedro Soutelinho Correia (2016). SNC-AP Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas. Vida Económica.
Rodrigues, Ana Maria (2017). SNC-AP: Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Administrações Públicas. Almedina.
Complementary Bibliography
Manual de implementação do SNC-AP, versão 2 – Junho 2017 (online).
Pinto, Ana Calado et al. (2013). Gestão Orçamental & Contabilidade Pública. ATF Edições.