Learning Results
Provide the students with knowledge enabling them to understand the framework of the audit in organizations,
its necessity, its importance to the decision making of various interest groups. At the end of the study,
students should understand the role of the auditor, the indispensability of proof and methodology for planning
the work of any type of audit, including financial and apply audit procedures, working papers and use
techniques sampling that will lead to the taking of evidence and opinion is issued.
I- Concepts, object and purposes of audit and financial audit
II- The role of audit in organizations (environment, significance and function)
III- Procedures and audit activity in Portugal
IV- The financial auditor (professional organizations, code ethics, independence and profile)
V-Financial audit Standards
VI- Audit sampling techniques (concepts, sample, sampling, risk and sampling error)
VII- The internal control (concept, objectives and types of control)
The importance of the internal control system for the engagement
Limitations of CI, identification and analysis of SCI
Specific procedures of the IC
Errors, fraud and irregularities
VIII- The development of the financial audit – process and function
The evidence in auditing: concepts, methods and utility
Working papers: concepts, methods and utility Phases and periods of the audit work
The quality control audit
IX- Financial Reports
Curricular Unit Teachers
MORAIS, Georgina e MARTINS Isabel; Auditoria Interna- Função e Processo; 3ª edição; 2007; COSTA, Carlos
Baptista; Auditoria Financeira – Teoria e prática; 9ª edição; 2010; COSTA, Carlos Baptista e ALVES, Gabriel
Correia; Casos práticos de auditoria financeira; 5ª edição; 2009; LOEBECKE, James e outros; Auditing – Na
Integrated Approach, 7ª Edition; 2000; VALDERRAMA, José Luis S. F.; Teoria y Pratica de la Auditoria; Tomo I
e II; 5ª edición; Código das Sociedades Comerciais; Estatuto da OROC – Decreto-Lei n.º 224/2008 de 20 de
Novembro; Normas Internacionais de Auditoria – ISA’s do IFAC 2009(www.ifac.org) ; Normas para a prática
profissional dos auditores internos; IIA, 2009 (www.globaliia.org) e IPAI; 2007 (www.ipai.pt) ; Manual do ROC
da OROC (www.oroc.pt); Diretiva 2006/43/CE – Revisão Legal das contas anuais e consolidadas, Parlamento
Europeu e do Conselho de 17/5/2006, publicada no JOCE L157/87 de 9/6/2006 (;www.europa.eu.int;).