Financial Auditing Practices

Learning Results

After de lecturing the curricular unit the student should:
Understand the auditors responsibilities in the context or corporate governance and economy market place;
Understand the risk approach to auditing and Understand the integrate role of internal controls;
Understand audit concepts and tolls: evidence, sampling, control tests, substantive tests and analytical
Understand the auditors procedures in completing the audit and reporting the findings.
Indentify the principles and the Basic concepts in auditing.
Apply the concepts of materiality, tolerable mistake, evidence, inherent risk, control risk and detection risk to
audit cycles.


1) Basic concept of audit and financial audit
The audit: the importance and necessity
Distinction between object and purpose of financial audit
The evolution of the objective of financial audit
2) Milestones in the regulation of audit
Auditing after Sarbanes-Oxley
EU Green Paper
case Studies
3) Development of financial audit work: Planning the audit; The evidence in auditing; The use of paper work
4) Audit of cycles
Liquids financial
Purchasing and payables
Sales and receivables
Plant and Equipment
Investment Property
Capital, reserves and retained earnings
Personnel and related costs
case Studies
5) Conclusion of audit work

Curricular Unit Teachers




Almeida, B. (2019). Manual de Auditoria Financeira – Uma análise integrada baseada no risco. 3ª ed. Escolar Editora.

Machado de Almeida, B., 2005, Auditoria e sociedade – Diferenças de expectativas, Publisher Team.

Valderrama, J., 2008, Teoria e prática de la auditoria II, Ediciones Pirâmide.

Arens, A., Loebbecke, J., 2016, Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach, 16th, Prentice Hall.

Rittenberg, L., Johnstone, K. Gramling, A., 2016, Auditing: A Business Risk Approach, 10th ed.    South-Western

Valderrama, J., 2008, Teoria e prática de la auditoria I, Ediciones Pirâmide.

Whittington, O., Pany, K., 2016, Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services, 20th, McGrawHill