Base Knowledge
This curricular unit is based on the knowledge of the contents already acquired in the first year of the course in curricular units related to accounting standards.
Teaching Methodologies
The development of the program will be done, as much as possible, using active methods, which involve the participation of students and the promotion of a theoretical-practical perspective of the themes and an approach based on know how. For this, the explanation of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the subjects will be combined with the analysis of real cases and the resolution of pedagogical exercises (individually or in groups), making a constant appeal to the students appreciation, in order to encourage reasoning and vision critical.
Learning Results
The curricular unit “Financial Reporting and Accountability” has as main objectives:
– Identify and prepare the financial statements compulsory and optional, according to national accounting standards;
– Address some specific issues of corporate reporting;
– Studying the obligations of accountability arising from corporate and tax law for commercial companies.
Students should acquire the following skills:
• Be aware of the statutory financial statements and the respective model according to entity type;
• Prepare the various financial statements;
• Know the importance of non-financial reporting and the entities required to prepare it;
• Know the obligations of accountability of companies, its content, requirements in elaboration and legal specificities;
• Meet the obligations of disclosure to third parties;
• Know how to make the connection between the accounting result and the tax result and identify some differences between them.
I. Introductory aspects and framework
I.1. Need for normalization, advantages and disadvantages
I.2. Accounting Normalization / Harmonization
I.2.1. Emphasis on the role of the IASB and the EU
I.3. Evolution of accounting normalization in Portugal: from POC to SNC
II. The financial reporting according to national accounting standards (SNC)
II.1. Financial statements compulsory and optional
II.1.1. Financial statements of the general model and the reduced model
II.2. Preparation and presentation of financial statements – general standards
II.2.1. Basis for the presentation of financial statements and conceptual structure
II.3. NCRF 1 – Presentation of financial statements
II.3.1. Framework
II.3.2. Preparation of Balance Sheet – Current / Non-current
II.3.3. Income statement
II.3.4. Annex
II.3.4.1. Framework and objectives
II.3.4.2. Some specific disclosure situations
II.4. NCRF 2 – Statement of cash flows
II.4.1. Framework
II.4.2. Types of activities
II.4.3. Direct method preparation
II.5. Statement of changes in equity
II.5.1. Framework and objectives
II.5.2. Accounting treatment of some specific situations
II.5.2.1. Results and its application
II.5.2.2. NCRF 4 – Accounting Policies, Estimates and Errors
II.5.2.3. Other movements in class 5
II.5.3. Components and preparation of the statement of changes in equity
III. The legal obligation of accountability of commercial companies
III.1. Framework
III.2. The documents of accountability
III.3. Non-financial reporting
III.3.1. The growing importance of non-financial information
III.3.2. The non-financial statement and its obligation
IV. From financial reporting to tax reporting
V.1. The influence of taxation on accounting
V.2. The accounting result as a basis for corporate taxation
V.5. Differences between accounting income and taxable income and deferred taxes
Curricular Unit Teachers
• Fundamental bibliography
Araújo, Duarte Nuno; Cardoso, Patrícia e Novais, José (2011), Manual de Prestação de Contas nas Sociedades Comerciais – O processo de relato financeiro em SNC. 2ª Ed. Porto: Vida Económica.
Borges, António; Rodrigues, Azevedo e Rodrigues, Rogério (2021), Elementos de contabilidade Geral. 27ª Ed. Lisboa: Áreas Editora.
Correia, Luísa Anacoreta; Matos, Sónia Costa e Martins, Rui Neves (2011), Novo sistema contabilístico: Anexo em SNC – guia prático. 2ª Ed. Porto: Vida Económica.
Finanças (2017), Decreto Lei n.º 89/2017, de 28 de julho.
Gonçalves, Cristina; Santos, Dolores; Rodrigo, José e Fernandes, Sant’Ana (2020), Contabilidade Financeira Explicada – Manual Prático. 4ª Ed. Porto: Vida Económica.
Lourenço, Isabel Costa; Morais, Ana Isabel e Lopes, Ana Isabel (2020), Fundamentos de Contabilidade Financeira – Teoria e Casos. 3ª Ed. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Rodrigues, João (2021), Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Explicado. 8ª Ed. Porto: Porto Editora
Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC) aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 98/2015, de 2 de junho e legislação complementar.
Material disponibilizado pela docente.
• Complement bibliography
Código Comercial (approved in 1833 and revised in 1888).
Código das Sociedades Comerciais, aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 262/86 de 2/9/1986.
Código do Registo Comercial, aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 403/86 de 2/9/1986.
Cunha, Paulo Olavo (2019), Direito das Sociedades Comerciais. 7ª Ed. Coimbra: Almedina.
Gomes, João e Pires, Jorge (2015), SNC – Sistema de Normalização Contabilística, Teoria e Prática. 5ª Ed. Porto: Vida Económica.