Base Knowledge
Knowledge about fire behavior, acquired at the UC Fire Propagation.
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical-practical classes in the classroom, including the analysis of past fires. Field practices for the application of suppression fire maneuvers.
Learning Results
To Know the framework for the use of suppression fire
To Know the specific aspects related to the behavior of suppression fire
To Put fire safety principles into practice
To Develop a protocol for the performance of the analysis and use of suppression fire teams
To Conduct suppression fire operational planning
Framework for the use of suppression fire
Introduction. History of the use of suppression fire. Objectives for the use of suppression fire. Legal framework for the use of suppression fire. Entities directly or indirectly involved in DFCI matters
Suppression fire behavior
Fire typologies. Large forest fires and limits of direct attack efficiency.
Fire analysis methodologies: analysis according to the Campbell Prediction System (CPS), taking into account fuels, meteorology and topography, in fire behavior. Structural and meteorological fire risk indices. Analysis of opportunities and identification of critical points. Interaction of fire fronts. Management of fire impacts on soil, vegetation and fauna
Fire safety
Security protocol. PPE, Personal safety, team safety. Self-protection maneuvers. Presentation and analysis of accidents. Accident management with analysis teams and use of suppression fire.
Protocol of action of analysis teams and use of suppression fire
Organization and composition of teams and functions of the elements. Activation and deactivation of teams and intervention criteria. Leadership and human resources management in a crisis environment: leadership, conflict management and stress management. Ethics and organizational culture: entities involved. Organization of operations
Suppression fire operational planning
Strategic planning and action windows for tactical fire and backfire. Preparation and execution of operations. Evaluation. Presentation and analysis of reports with practical cases. GIS (Geographic Information Systems) — its application in planning and analysis and fire simulators (dynamic and static)
Curricular Unit Teachers
Braun, C.C. 1995. Addressing the common behavioural element in accidents and incidents. In: Putnam, T. (ed.). Proceedings of the findings from the wildland fire-fighters human factors workshop. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 9951-2855-MTDC.Missoula, MT. Pp. 28–30.
Campbell, D. 1995. The Campbell Prediction System: A Wild Land Fire Prediction System & Language. D. Campbell ed. 129 p.
Castellnou, M., Miralles, M., Molina, D.M. and Martinez, E.R. 2009. Patrones de Propagación de Incendios Forestales: In: Vélez, R. (ed.). Incendios Forestales: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones. McGraw-Hill. Pp. 274–282. Finney, M.A. 1998. FARSITE: Fire Area Simulator-model development and evaluation. USDA Forest Service, Research Paper RMRS-RP-4, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO. 47 p.
Grillo, F.F., Castellnou, M., Molina, D.M, Martínez, E.R., and Fababú, D.D. 2008. Análisis del Incendio Forestal: planificación de la extinción, Editorial AIFEMA, Granada, Spain. 144 p.
ICONA. 1981. Vigilância y deteccion. In Tecnicas para defensa contra incêndios forestales. Monografia 24. Instituto Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza (ICONA).
Lourenço, L.; Serra, G.; Mota, L.; Paul, J.J.; Correia, S.; Parola, J.; Reis J.. 2001. Manual de combate a incêndios florestais para equipas de primeira intervenção. Escola Nacional de Bombeiros. Cadernos especializados.