Base Knowledge
Previous knowledge of Biology and Horticulture
Teaching Methodologies
Module 1. Floristry, market, cut flowers and potted plants Module 2. Gardening and lawns; Theoretical-practical classes and preparation of reports related to different themes For a better consolidation of concepts, students are monitored weekly in tutorial classes. The presence of students in classes is required. The minimum attendance rate for each type of class is 75% of the number of classes taught.
Learning Results
The Curricular Unit (UC) of Floriculture and Gardening aims to provide students in the Agricultural Engineering Course with comprehensive information on the various activities, such as the production and use of cut flowers and potted plants, production and use of plants for the garden and parks or with landscape interest.
1. Economic and social importance of ornamental plants 2. (1) Cut flowers; (2) potted plants; (3) Creation of gardens and maintenance of herbaceous gardens; (4) Types of Garden; (5) Planting and maintenance of ornamental and sports lawns. 3. Execution of practical work in the field (harvesting plant material; pruning bushes), in the laboratory (seeding and plant multiplication), in a nursery (planting and acclimatization of obtained seedlings). 4. Bibliographic research and analysis of articles and reports on the contents of the UC.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Módulo 1 teste escrito individual - 50.0%
- - Modulo 2: 1) teste escrito individual (60%); 2) apresentação oral e escrita de um trabalho a desenvolver em grupo (40%) - 50.0%
ADAMS, C.R.;.B., K.M. ; EARLY, M. P. (1991) . Principles of Horticulture. Butterworth – Heinemann, Ltd., Londres.
ARMITAGE, A.;.H., M.; et al (1995) . Burpee Complete Gardener. MaCmillan, New York.BALL, V. (1991) . Ball RedBooK. Geo. J. Ball, Inc., 15, West Chicago.
BROWSE, P.M.M. (1989) . A Propagação das plantas. Publicações Europa-América, Colecção Euroagro, 3, Mem Martins.
CERMENO, Z.S. (1990) . Estufas, instalação e maneio. Biblioteca Agrícola Litexa.,
GUILLÉN, R. (1995) . Arbustos Ornamentais. Floraprint, Cacém.
IGOA, J.M. (1991) . Jardins – Projecto e Construção. Plátano, Lisboa.
IREYS, A.R. (1991) . Garden Designs. Prentice Hall Gardening, 1ª, New york.
LARSON, R.A. (1980) . Introduction to Floriculture. Academic Press, INC., New York. MEJIAS, R.J.;.R., M. C. (1990) . El Cultivo Industrial de Plantas en Maceta. Ediciones de Horticultura, S. L., Madrid.
NAU, J. (1993) . Ball culture guide. Ball Publishing, Batavia
NOWAK, J.;.R., R. M. (1990) . Postharvest Handling and storage of cut flowers, florist greens, and Potted Plants. Timber Press, Portland.
ONAR, A. (1994) . Guia prático da cultura em estufas. Editorial Presença, Lisboa.
PYCRAFT, D. (1980) . Relvados, Cobertura do solo; Controlo das ervas daninhas.
STEVENS, D. (1992) . Creative Garden Designs. Chancellor Press, London.
STICKLAND, S. (1986) . Planning Your Organic Flower Garden. Thorsons, London.
TITCHMARSH, A. (1981) . Técnicas de Jardinagem. Publicações Europa América, 2ª, Mem Martins.