Base Knowledge
Knowledge transmitted in the 1st curricular year of the course, particularly thermodynamic.
Teaching Methodologies
Lectures: Class lectures with audiovisual aid. Lecture-Discussions: A total of 2 practice problems in each chapter are solved. A wide series of practice problems with solutions will be assigned for individual study for students to do during unaccompanied study (self-study) time allocated for subjects. Practical Lessons: Students well-prepared accounts of contacts with experiences that will help in understanding concepts relayed during lectures will be benefited.
Learning Results
The main aims of this course unit are: To provide a basic understanding of the fundamental laws of fluid mechanics and the ability to use them in solving a range of simple engineering problems. Laboratory work is intended to reinforce lecture material and to provide experience of relevant measuring techniques.
At the end of this course unit is the learner is expected to be able: Define the principal properties of fluids, the pressure, flow, stress and strain rate parameters of fluid mechanics, and the principles of equilibrium and mass conservation which relate them. Apply the basic concepts and principles of fluid mechanics to the solution of simple problems involving fluids.
Introduction. Fluid Statics. Elementary Fluid Dynamics. Flow Measurements. Flow in Conduits: laminar flow in pipes, turbulent flow in pipes, pipe systems, turbulent flow in noncircular conduits.
Curricular Unit Teachers
WHITE, Frank M. (1994). Fluid mechanics (3rd ed). New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill