Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
To meet the curricular unit’s objectives and students’ development of competencies, the teaching-learning process is based on the integration of many methodologies: 1. oral presentation; 2. practical application resolution (exercises; text analysis; case studies); 3. teacher-directed research activities
Learning Results
1. Understands the most common economic science concepts and approaches.
2. Understands the mechanics of price generation in a market economy, as well as the technical economic link between inputs and production levels;
3. Recognizes the network of relationships between economic agents, regulatory authorities, and the food system
4. Understands the specifics of Food Economics
1. Introduction:
1.1. Economic fundamental issues
1.2. The fundamental economic methods
1.3. Opportunity cost, willingness to pay and willingness to receive concepts
1.4 Production Possibilities Frontier
2. Economic actors and the food market
2.1. The economic circuit and the relationships between the many agents
2.2. Food supply and demand
2.3 Market imperfections
2.4 Inputs markets.
2.5. Profit-maximizing based on production and cost functions
3. The national economy and the food system
3.1.Main indicators of national accounting;
3.2 Employment, inflation, exchange rate, and interest rate linkages
3.3. Macroeconomic policies’ influence on the food industry
3.4. The main agro-food sectors in Portugal and their development strategies
4. The worldwide commerce in food
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste escrito abrangendo os pontos 1 e 2 dos conteúdos programáticos - 35.0%
- - Trabalhos práticos, individuais e de grupo, realizados no tempo de contacto e fora dele - 40.0%
- - Teste escrito abrangendo os pontos 3 e 4 dos conteúdos programáticos - 25.0%
- - Exame escrito - 100.0%
FRANK, R.; BERNANKE, B. (2012). Princípios de Economia. 4ª ed. Lisboa: McGraw Hill. ISBN 9788580550962.
LAGRANGE, L. (1995) . La commercialisation des produits agricoles et alimentaires. Paris: Lavoisier.
NORONHA, T. (2016). Setor Agroalimentar em Portugal: conjunturas e abordagens recentes. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. ISBN 978-972-618-848-3
SAMUELSON, P.; NORDHAUS, W. (2011) – Economia. 19ª ed. Lisboa: McGraw Hill. ISBN 9789899717237.