Base Knowledge
There is no recommended background knowledge.
Teaching Methodologies
Exposure by the teacher of contents related to the theoretical aspects of this curricular unit, as well as interactive theoretical-practical classes that aim not only to transmit knowledge, but also to understand, interpret and apply them in concrete situations.
Learning Results
At the end of this course unit the student should be able to:
• Acquire knowledge about control planning and bottled water and food.
• Acquire knowledge about sampling plans in bottled water and food.
• Know the legislation that defines food safety and quality standards.
• Recognize the physical-chemical parameters used to analyze bottled water and food.
• Recognize the microbiological parameters used to analyze bottled water and food.
• Determine the risks associated with the presence of chemical and microbiological contaminants in bottled waters
1. Legislation applicable to food safety and quality. Food Safety Management System – NP EN ISO 22000: 2005. Codex Alimentarius and HACCP system.
2. Planning for food safety and quality control. Sampling of bottled water and food. Sampling of surfaces and equipment. Sampling plans. Preparation of physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes of bottled water and food.
3. Main physical-chemical parameters analyzed in bottled water and food and their determination.
4. Main microbiological parameters analyzed in bottled water and food. Methods for counting, detecting and identifying microorganisms in bottled water and food.
5. Risks associated with the presence of contaminants in bottled water and food. Main sources of contamination. Main foods involved. Food-borne diseases. Main chemical and microbiological contaminants
Curricular Unit Teachers
Pelczar, Chang, Krieg, (1997). Microbiologia – conceitos e aplicações. Makron Books. São Paulo [etc.] (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-14-13 (ISEC) – 14170)
Mannheim, B. (1989). Methods of biochemical analysis and food analysis. Mannheim, Germany. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-6-82 (ISEC) – 05921)
Norma NP EN ISO 22000:2005, (2005). Instituto português da Qualidade, Monte da Caparica. (Disponível no NONIO IPC)
Willey, Sherwood, Woolverton (2017). Microbiology. 7th Ed., McGraw Hill, NY. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-14-8 (ISEC) – 13997)
Montville, Matthews. (2008). Food microbiology : an introduction. 2nd Ed., ASM Press, Washington. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-14-14 (ISEC) – 15136)
Codex Alimentarius. Organização Mundial de Saúde / Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura, (Disponível no NONIO IPC)
Fennema, O., (1996). Food chemistry, 3nd Ed.,Marcel Dekker, NY. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-4-45 (ISEC) – 08503)
Monteiro, V., (2010). Higiene, segurança, conservação e congelação de alimentos. 3 rd Ed Lidel, Lisboa. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 4-13-112 (ISEC) – 15435)